Thursday, October 31, 2019
Henrys intelligent investment, for the love of Portia Essay
Henrys intelligent investment, for the love of Portia - Essay Example Mark Twain’s â€Å"Million Pound Bank Note†is a version of a well acquainted and balanced contrast of romance and business prospects. Henry, who had been a pauper, was naively turned into a millionaire, when romance hit his life and a â€Å"million pounder bill†knocked his luck with business. Henry Adams (the main actor of the story) became the unanimous dupe of a bet put forth by two old gentlemen. A million pound bill was handed over to him as part of the bet, in order to negate the hypotheses of the two brothers, of whether or not he could be able to survive for a month. Henry made business on something that was unreal. His astuteness and honesty served as powerful resources for him, nurtured with his past experience as a clerk and interest in stock brokers. He made his experience, good will and sincerity count and found the love of his life with a status of a millionaire. He gained without spending a penny. Portia Langham came into his life and they instant ly fell in deep love with each other. Being an honest person by nature, he told every bit of his story to her of how he became rich, yet standing poor. Henry’s romance and business prospects went equally hand in hand throughout the story.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Compare and contrast a drama's device with those of a poem or short Essay
Compare and contrast a drama's device with those of a poem or short story - Essay Example While most dramas are written to be performed, there are also some which are written just for reading while short stories and poems are made to be read, whether silently or orally. The plot of the drama is understood through the conversations of the characters and, to some, with the help of a narrator. Most of the meat of the story is understood through the delivery of the drama that it is very important for performers to follow instructions to the letter especially with their facial expressions and actions. For those which are purposefully for reading, writers express emotions with short descriptions written in parentheses before or after the lines of the characters to give life to the story in the minds of the reader. Short stories and poems on the other hand similarly present the plot as they present their characters. Generally speaking, dramas affect the senses of hearing and sight while short stories and poems are limited to the sense of sight. However, the three different forms of literary pieces all stir the imagination and emotion of audiences as they present the characters and plot of the story.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The History Of Service Management Marketing Essay
The History Of Service Management Marketing Essay Conduct a critique of the following service management ideas, theories, concepts and techniques, specifically with reference to their purpose, application and limitations and with regard to how these service management ideas, theories and techniques may contribute to the development of a successful business: Definition: The nature of the business the service in mind that the organisation wishes to create. The service concept helps the organisation focus on the value that it can provide to new and existing customers 2.1 The Purpose of the service concept The service concept can be defined into 4 parts (as defined by Clark et al. (2000), and Johnston and Clark (2001): The organising idea: The essence of the service bought, or used, by the customer. The service experience: The customers direct experience of the service process, which concerns the way the service provider deals with the customer. The service outcome: The result for the customer of the service (in particular the benefit provided, the resulting emotions and assessment of value for money) The value of the service: the benefits the customer perceives as inherent in the service weighed against the cost of the service. The purpose of the service concept is for a company to help provide a concept for its employees and customers with what they selling and buying, respectively. It should give the employees (e.g. Managers and their staff) a focus on what service they are providing and how to provide it to the customers. By defining the service concept, companies are able to deliver a higher level of service to its customer. Also, the service concept can become an important in the development of a business and further re-designing the service, to better suit their customers requirements. It is also an important element between the business strategy and delivery of its service products e.g. between a Regional Manager deciding the strategy and the floor staff implanting the service, with the strategy. An important point to make is that the service concept can help show the customers the benefits of the service to them, both tangible and intangible, which in turn can indicate the overall value of the service possibly provided to them. 2.2 Application I am going to apply the service concept to Subway. The organising idea Providing its customers with sandwiches and meals, with a quick service and value for money. The service experience Multiple choices of meals, multiple food outlets, long queue/waiting times around meals times e.g. lunchtime, efficient service The service outcome Healthy food, positive feeling of fulfilment, value for money Value of the service Quick service, with a cheap meal for the customer 2.3 Limitations One limitations of the applying the service concept within a business is that different sectors or departments of the business will have different and conflicting views, especially on how to make improvements. For example, a financial executive of McDonalds might suggest that to cut costs that they should cut down on staff. However, the managers of the actual stores might go against that suggestion, and say that the service to the customer would suffer if they had less staff. Different departments of the business are concerned about different issues and as a result applying a service concept that everyone is happy with is not possible. Another limitation of the service concept theory is that it include service strategy issues e.g. the positioning of the business in the market with its competitors and type of customers that the business has. This can have a big effect on how a business decides on its strategy, and sometimes cannot be applied to all businesses. One more limitation is that the service concept theory is based on (or parts of) a business being profitable, which is not always the case with all business. For example, with a car hire company, the sales sector is based on how many revenue and profit is made, whereas the warranty/repair sector is a cost-based, and cannot be measured on the performance on how much profit is made. To add this point, not all businesses are about making profit. Some businesses/organisations are about non-profit, so it can be hard to measure the successful of the change is the service concept, if the measures were based on profit. Concept Profiling Tool 3.1 Purpose of Concept Profiling Tool Service concept profiling as a strategic tool can be used to: Help create and give organisational structure Help (assess) the significance of a potential change of the service To push for strategic advantage The purpose of service concept profiling is to apply service concept to the business and help improve its services e.g. It can help managers and executives view their business in a new way to be stand out from it competitors. Through service concept profiling, a business can examine its current service(s) that it offers and look at the possible options for changes and see what improvements can be made, or redesign the service. Once the service concept has been agreed, it can help provide all departments/sectors of a business guidance on what the service is offering, and how to make those improvements to provide the customers of the business with a better service. An important part with applying the service concept is implementing the strategy into the service delivery e.g. interaction with the customer. Lastly, assessments and evaluation are needed to put in place to measure the successfulness of the new service concept compared to previous results. Application Limitations One limitation of the service concept profiling tool is that just a diagnostic tool. One issue is that it doesnt take into the macroeconomic environment. For example, one part of the macroeconomic environment is legal factors. A service company like Starbucks might find it hard to use and adapt a new service concept, which involves needing to employee more staff, if new laws have been passed which have raised the minimum wage, it can affect the costs of the these new staff, and ultimately affect whether it possible to apply the service concept profiling tool, with the extra costs. The SERVQUAL Model 4.1 The purpose of the SERVQUAL Model The purpose of the SERVQUAL model is a method for measuring service quality. It is a strategic tool, which helps discover if there is any gaps between the perceptions of the service offered, by the business, and that of the customer idea or views of the service. Below is the SERVQUAL Model: C:UsersAlex ThimayaDesktoppicture_zeithaml_servqual_gaps_model.gif 4.2 Application 4.3 Limitations
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Origin of Life :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
How life arose is a question that is fundamental to both philosophy and science. Responses to it enable one, in turn, to answer such questions as, â€Å"Who am I?†, â€Å"Why am I here?†, and â€Å"How do I make sense of this world?†This secondary set of questions can be answered in a myriad of ways for a variety of reasons, but the answer to the first question has only two responses. As Douglas Futuyuma says, â€Å"Creation and evolution, between them, exhaust the possible explanations for the origin of living things†(197). Either we are the product of the chemical and physical laws of nature operating over time, or we have been formed, at least in part, by some supernatural Force or Deity. The acceptance of one of these options as a foundation will determine how one will establish a belief system to determine his place in the world. This is a matter of crucial importance, yet in most biology classes offered at U.C. Davis, we learn that life c ame from nonlife by strictly natural (as opposed to supernatural) processes. The possibility that perhaps the origin of life cannot be explained by a natural mechanism is ignored, and this is disturbing. For if we limit what explanations we are willing to accept for the origin of life, we could be closing our eyes to reality. Francis Crick, co-discoverer of DNA, has said that â€Å"the origin of life appears to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have to be satisfied to get it going†(Horgan 27).2 Noted evolutionary astronomer Frederick Hoyle has described the chances of life having evolved from nonlife to be about as likely as the chances that â€Å"a tornado sweeping through a junkyard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein†(Johnson 106). Why do respected scientists doubt what textbooks teach as fact? It would appear that these scientists know something that current theories describing the origin of life fail to explain. While current theories describe scenarios in which genetic material such as RNA becomes entrapped in a protective cell membrane as a likely recipe for the formation of life, they generally do not focus on the difficulties of forming and concentrating all of these components in the first place.3 To clarify, current theories suffer from what I call the â€Å"cookbook mentality.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Internet and Children Essay
Nowadays, in the world in which we live, violence is reported everywhere. It makes parents became worried. So, they try to protect their children from the adverse impacts in society. But although society has taught us that violence is not accepted, in the essay â€Å"Violent Media is Good for Kids,†Gerard Jones tries to convince people, especially the kids’ parents, that violent media is good or furthermore, it is essential for the development of children. He uses his own childhood as an example of how media or The Hulk helped him switch to â€Å"more sophisticated heroes†(Jones 195), and â€Å"finally found my own lead along a twisting path to a career and an identity†(Jones 196). Afterwards, his son was afraid to climb a tree, so Jones read the stories of Tarzan to his son. Then later, his son was climbing trees. He also gives other examples of how violent media helped children to overcome their stressful and hurtful lives. A healthy child must grow b oth physically and mentally. Especially, mental illness in children can be hard for parents to identify. Gerard Jones admitted that he grew up too passive because he was sheltered from the media. In recent years, there has been dispute about whether or not children should view, or listen to violent media. In â€Å"Violent Media is Good for Kids†Gerard Jones says that we should. He noticed that â€Å"people pulling themselves out of emotional traps by immersing themselves in violent stories. People integrating the scariest, most fervently denied fragments of their psyches into fuller senses of selfhood through fantasies of superhuman combat and destruction.†(Jones 196) .Each person’s childhood is often associated with something, for example, Donald Duck, Superman, or Barbie doll, Batman, etc†¦ Those characters sometimes play an important role in the formation of their life. After finding his favorite character, The Hulk, Jones â€Å"finally found my own lead along a twisting path to a career and an identity†(Jones 196). Jones’s son, perhaps, admires Tarzan, who was told by his father to support him to climb a tree. To Jones, a super hero model can give kids strength and make them brave. Children need a way to express their natural rage and by allowing them to read these stories or play battle just for fun with their friends helps them develop into kids that will interact with each other. All kids feel rage, so if they let it out in a safe way, they can use it to combat challenges in life. Thus, violent media helps them develop into people who are not afraid to stand up and take charge. Jones tries to prove that violent media can help kids if it is used in the right way. He writes a quote from Melanie Moore, Ph.D., a psychologist who works with urban teens, t o support his argument. He does however include examples as to why he believes that violent media is good for children. But he does not include statistics to back-up his arguments and this is a weakness of Jones’s essay. His examples might not be credible because he presents himself as one of the evidences and each child develops differently. We can see every child takes a different way to explore the world. Many children will grow up like Jones. They will find themselves in the real world and know who they are if they were allowed access to the media. He states â€Å"When we try to protect our children from their own feelings and fantasies, we shelter them not against violence but against power and selfhood.†(Jones 197) .Parents cannot ban their kids playing video games or watching violent cartoons but as adults, they must know which one is good, which one is bad for our kids. When parents try to protect their children from the influence of violence, they need to rem ember that although comics and video games are full of violence and fighting, they also have messages and some good lessons. Parents always loves their children, so Jones uses the phrase â€Å"when we tries to protect our children†to let the parents know that he sympathized with their concerns. But then he says: â€Å"we shelter them not against violence but against power and selfhood.†The word â€Å"shelter†means to protect from something harmful. He emphasizes that the harmful thing is not violence but it is harmful to children losing their power and selfhood. However, some children might take the message of the stories the wrong way, putting themselves too deep into a story. They may hurt themselves or the others because they thought that they were strong like their favorite hero. As increasing violence in the media would be certainly dangerous for society and corrupt a child’s thoughts and imagination through blood, knives and guns, those were called â€Å"a tool to master their rage†(Jones 196). â€Å"I’m not going to argue that violent entertainment is harmless. I think it has helped inspire some people to real-life violence. I am going to argue that it’s helped hundreds of people for everyone it’s hurt, and that it can help far more if we learn to use it well.†(Jones 197) .Jones admits that violent media is n’t harmless and that it does drag some children to doing real life violence, but he does not say specifically what should be done about this issue. He goes on to say that it has helped more than it has harmed. There is much research on whether children should or should not access to violent media. By giving some evidence as well as using quote authority to support his thesis, Gerard Jones made a good essay to persuade that violent media is one of the factors that children need to develop. The title â€Å"Violent Media is Good for Kids†is also impressive. It makes the readers curious because â€Å"violent†and â€Å"good†may sound contradictory. However, his essay is interesting but not enough to convince. A good way to protect the children is to give them the right tools in life, and teach them how to make it a responsible choice and how to protect themselves from bad temptations. â€Å"All violence is the result of people tricking themselves into believing that their pain derives from other people and that consequently those people deserve to be punished.†(Rosenberg) Works Cited Jones, Gerard. â€Å"Violent Media Is Good for Kids.†Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing. Ed. Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011. 195-197. Print. Rosenberg, Marshall B. Nonviolent Communication: A language of life. California: PuddleDancer Press, 2003. Print.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Literature Terms Essay
What does the term literature mean to you? Literature means to me is an escape from the troubles of the day. It also keeps me informed about events that may indirectly affect me in my everyday life. What makes something literary in your own mind? It has to be informative and relevant to the matter being described in a story or news article. As far as a book it needs to hold my interest and be able to make me in grossed in the characters in the story. If literature means different things to different people, who defines what is and what is not literature? Us as readers need to decide what is and what is not. Everybody has their own opinion on what is good and what is not good. Next, reflect on your relationship to reading and literature. What kind of reading engages/interests you? I like nonfiction and fiction books that deal with a variety of issues. What about that writing draws you in? Do you find meaning in reading certain writing? If so, describe the satisfaction you draw from this process. Also consider how you read. Do you, for example, take notes or mark text as you read, or do you simply absorb the material on a page? The kind of reading that I enjoy has to bring me into the story; it has to make me imagine what the character is going thru and how it may have to be resolved. I simply get lost in the story and absorb the material on each page as relates to the story. Imagination- is the human power that shapes artistic expression, it enables a writer’s work to become an expression of meaning in our world, and allows readers to engage in identifying with what the writer’s work has to say about things that matter. When you allow reading to unlock your imagination your connection sets the stage for intellectual engagement. It allows the experoence of reading of literature to include the pursuit of ideas and knowledge.section 2.1. Walter Mitty was a dreamer and to me if he’s a dreamer then he is using his imagination. Satire- deals with contradictions. It is the art that calls attention to the difference.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
charles robert darwin essays
charles robert darwin essays Darwin, Charles Robert (1809-1882), cientà fico britnico que sent las bases de la moderna teorà a evolutiva, al plantear el concepto de que todas las formas de vida se han desarrollado a travs de un lento proceso de seleccin natural. Su trabajo tuvo una influencia decisiva sobre las diferentes disciplinas cientà ficas, y sobre el pensamiento moderno en general. Nacido en Shrewsbury, Shropshire, el 12 de febrero de 1809, Darwin fue el quinto hijo de una acomodada y sofisticada familia inglesa. Su abuelo materno fue el prspero empresario de porcelanas Josiah Wedgwood; su abuelo paterno fue el famoso mdico del siglo XVIII Erasmus Darwin. Tras terminar sus estudios en la Shrewsbury School en 1825, Darwin estudi medicina en la Universidad de Edimburgo. En 1827 abandon la carrera e ingres en la Universidad de Cambridge con el fin de convertirse en ministro de la Iglesia de Inglaterra. Allà conoci a dos influyentes personalidades: el gelogo Adam Sedgwick y el naturalista John Stevens Henslow. Este à ºltimo no slo ayud a Darwin a ganar confianza en sà mismo, sino que tambin inculc a su alumno la necesidad de ser meticuloso y esmerado en la observacin de los fenmenos naturales y la recoleccin de especà menes. Tras graduarse en Cambridge en 1831, el joven Darwin se enrol a los 22 an de Henslow, para emprender una expedicin cientà fica alr ededor del mundo. Su trabajo como naturalista a bordo del Beagle le di la oportunidad de observar variadas formaciones geolgicas en distintos continentes e islas a lo largo del viaje, asà como una amplia variedad de fsiles y organismos vivos. En sus observaciones geolgicas, Darwin se mostr&oacut...
Monday, October 21, 2019
How John Albert Burr Innovated Modern Lawn Mowing
How John Albert Burr Innovated Modern Lawn Mowing If you have a manual push mower today, it likely uses design elements from 19th Century black American inventor John Albert Burrs patented rotary blade lawn mower. On May 9, 1899, John Albert Burr patented an improved rotary blade lawn mower. Burr designed a lawn mower with traction wheels and a rotary blade that was designed to not easily get plugged up from lawn clippings. John Albert Burr also improved the design of lawn mowers by making it possible to mow closer to building and wall edges. You can view U.S. patent 624,749 issued to John Albert Burr. Life of Inventor John Albert Burr John Burr was born in Maryland in 1848, at a time when he would have been a teenager during the Civil War. His parents were slaves who were later freed, and he may also have been a slave until age 17. He didnt escape from manual labor, as he worked as a field hand during his teenage years. But his talent was recognized and wealthy black activists ensured he was able to attend engineering classes at a private university. He put his mechanical skills to work making a living repairing and servicing farm equipment and other machines. He moved to Chicago and also worked as a steelworker. When he filed his patent for the rotary mower in 1898, he was living in Agawam, Massachusetts. Inventions of John Albert Burr The object of my invention is to provide a casing which wholly encloses the operating gearing so as to prevent it from becoming choked by the grass or clogged by obstructions of any kind, reads the patent application. His rotary lawn mower design helped reduce the irritating clogs of clippings that are the bane of manual mowers. It was also more maneuverable and could be used for closer clipping around objects such as posts and buildings. Looking at his patent diagram, you will see a design that is very familiar for manual rotary mowers today. Powered mowers for home use were still decades away. As lawns become smaller in many newer neighborhoods, many people are returning to manual rotary mowers like Burrs design. Burr continued to patent improvements to his design. He also designed devices for mulching clippings, sifting, and dispersing them. Todays mulching power mowers may be part of his legacy, returning nutrients to the turf rather than bagging them for compost or disposal. In this way, his inventions helped save labor and were also good for the grass. He held over 30 U.S. patents for lawn care and agricultural inventions. John Albert Burrs Later Life Burr enjoyed the fruits of his success. Unlike many inventors who never see their designs commercialized, or soon lose any benefits, he got royalties for his creations. He enjoyed traveling and lecturing. He lived a long life and died in 1926 of influenza at age 78. Next time you mow the lawn, acknowledge the inventor who made the task a little easier.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Tender is the Night Quotes
'Tender is the Night' Quotes Tender is the Night is a famous novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The work details the life and deterioration of Dr. Dick Diver, who falls in love with a mental patient. This novel was considered a failure at the time of its publication, but it is one of Fitzgeralds most important works. Here are a few quotes.​ Tender is the Night a bald man in a monocle and a pair of tights, his tufted chest thrown out, his brash navel sucked in, was regarding her attentively.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 1 so that while Rosemary was a simple child she was protected by a double sheath of her mothers armor and her own - she had a mature distrust of the trivial, the facile and the vulgar.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 3 Youre the only girl Ive seen for a very long time that actually did look like something blooming.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 4 so green and cool that the leaves and petals were curled with tender damp.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Chapter 6 he opened the gate to his amusing world. So long as they subscribed to it completely, their happiness was his preoccupation, bit at the fist flicker of doubt as to its all-inclusiveness he evaporated before their eyes, leaving little communicable memory of what he had said or done.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 6 the moment when the guests had been daringly lifted above conviviality into the rarer atmosphere of sentiment, was over before it could be irreverently breathed before they had half realized it was there.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 7 the too obvious appeal, the struggle with an unrehearsed scene and unfamiliar words.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 8 of course its done at a certain sacrifice - sometimes they seem just rather charming figures in a ballet, and worth the attention you five a ballet, but its more than that - youd have to know the story. Anyhow Tommy is one of those men that Dicks passed along to Nicole. Book 1,- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Ch. 10 She illustrated very simple principles, containing in herself her own doom, but illustrated them so accurately that there was grace in the procedure, and presently Rosemary would try to imitate it.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 12 Indeed, he had made a quick study of the whole affair, simplifying it always until it bore a faint resemblance to one of his own parties.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 13 He knew that there was passion there, but there was no shadow of it in her eyes or on her mouth; there was a faint spray of champagne on her breath. She clung nearer desperately and once more he kissed her and was chilled by the innocence of her kiss, by the glance that at the moment of contact looked beyond him out into the darkness of the night, the darkness of the world.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 15 The enthusiasm, the selflessness behind the whole performance ravished her, the technic of moving many varied types, each as immobile, as dependent on supplies of attention as an infantry battalion as dependent on rations, appeared so effortless that he still had pieces of his own most personal self for everyone.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 18 the shots had entered into all their lives: echoes of violence followed them out onto the pavement where two porters held a post-mortem beside them as they waited for a taxi.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 19 made an exit that she had learned young, and on which no director had ever tried to improve.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 25 And Lucky Dick cant be one of those clever men; he must be less intact, even faintly destroyed. If life wont do it for him its not a substitute to get a disease, or a broken heart, or an inferiority complex, though itd be nice to build out some broken side till it was better than the original structure.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 1 They said that you are a doctor, but so long as you are a cat it is different. My head aches so, so excuse this walking there like an ordinary with a white cat will explain, I think.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 2 I am slowly coming back to life... I wish someone were in love with me like boys were ages ago before I was sick. I suppose it will be years, though, before I could think of anything like that.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 2 We were just like loversand then all at once we were loversand ten minutes after it happened I could have shot myselfexcept I guess Im such a Goddamned degenerate I didnt have the nerve to do it. Book 2, Ch. 3 God, am I like the rest after all?- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 4 The weakness of the profession is its attraction for the man a little crippled and broken.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 6 Nicoles world had fallen to pieces, but it was only a flimsy and scarcely created world.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 7 the delight on Nicoles faceto be a feather again instead of a plummet, to float and not to drag.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 8 And if I dont know youre the most attractive man I ever met you must think I am still crazy.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2 Its my hard luck, all rightbut dont pretend that I dont knowI know everything about you and me.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 9 As an indifference cherished, or left to atrophy, becomes an emptiness, to this extent he had learned to become empty of Nicole, serving her against his will with negations and emotional neglect.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 11 Here are more quotes from Tender is the Night, by F. Scott Fitzgerald. We own you, and youll admit it sooner or later. It is absurd to keep up the pretense of independence.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 13 Good manners are an admission that everybody is so tender that they have to be handled with gloves. Now, human respectyou dont call a man a coward or a liar lightly, but if you spend your life sparing peoples feelings and feeding their vanity, you get so you cant distinguish what should be respected in them.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 13 England was like a rich man after a disastrous orgy who makes up to the household by chatting with them individually, when it is obvious to them that he is only trying to get back his self-respect in order to usurp his former power.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 16 Good-by, my fathergood-by, all my fathers.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 19 she only cherishes her illness as an instrument of power.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 1 There was some element of loneliness involvedso easy to be lovedso hard to love.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 2 to explain, to patchthese were not natural functions at their agebetter to continue with the cracked echo of an old truth in the ears.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 2 Not without desperation he had long felt the ethics of his profession dissolving into a lifeless mass.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 3 If Europe ever goes Bolshevik shell turn up as the bride of Stalin.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 4 We cant go on like thisor can we?....What do you think?... Some of the time I think its my faultIve ruined you.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 5 She was somewhat shocked at the idea of being interested in another manbut other women have loverswhy not me?- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 6 If she need not, in her spirit, be forever one with Dick as he had appeared last night, she must be something in addition, not just an image on his mind, condemned to endless parades around the circumference of a medal.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 6 So delicately balanced was she between an old foothold that had always guaranteed her security, and the imminence of a leap from which she might alight changed in the very chemistry of blood and muscle, that she did not dare bring the matter into the true forefront of consciousness.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 7 Hes not received anywhere anymore.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 7 Either you thinkor else others have to think for you and take power from you, pervert and discipline your natural tastes, civilize and sterilize you.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 7 No, Im not reallyIm just aIm just a whole lot of different simple people.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 8 Everything Tommy said became part of her forever.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 8 Tangled with love in the moonlight she welcomed the anarchy of her lover.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 8 Then why did you come, Nicole? I cant do anything for you anymore. Im trying to save myself.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 9 I have never seen women like this sort of women. I have known many of the great courtesans of the world, and for them I have much respect often, but women like these women I have never seen before.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 10 You dont understand Nicole. You treat her always as a patient because she was once sick.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 11 When people are taken out of their depths they lose their heads, no matter how charming a bluff they put up.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 12
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Blue ocean strategy report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Blue ocean strategy report - Essay Example The book Blue Ocean Strategy urges the readers to revisit their basic strategy in trying to run a successful business and acquire a favourable profit while competing with similar companies/ businesses in the market who are offering the same products or services to a limited pool of clients. Ever since people have started doing business, they have been engaged in competition with other companies and have fought over market share and sustained profitable growth. This book deals with two separate market spaces, which are referred to as the â€Å"Red Ocean†and the â€Å"Blue Ocean†respectively. The Red ocean is comprised of all recognized industries also called ‘the known market’ (Kim & Mauborgne, 2015). This market has industry boundaries that are properly defined and rules of competition that is clearly understood. Here, the companies try to outdo their competition in a bid to capture a bigger share of the available market. However, with an increasing number of companies opening up, the market space starts to become saturated and the margins of profit and growth are diminished. This creates a tensed and complex competition in the market (Kim & Mauborgne, 2015). On the other hand the blue ocean represents an unexplored market place; it comprises of those industries that do not exist presently and an unknown market space is present where the competition ceases to exist. The blue oceans offer greater prospects of growth and profit of the company as it simply makes the competition irrelevant. There are no hard and fast rules of competition in this market place due to an absence of competitors. This market opens up new avenues for businessmen to explore where the profit, the market, and the clients are shared with little or no competition (Kim & Mauborgne, 2015). The Blue Ocean Strategy has been applied in the real world with great success; a few examples are Southwest Airlines as it became the world’s first low cost
Friday, October 18, 2019
Similar to 1910s Mexico, Colombias dispossessed Essay
Similar to 1910s Mexico, Colombias dispossessed - Essay Example The internally displaced in Colombia make up for 11 percent of the total country population and 19 percent of people who are internally displaced in the whole world. Once individuals are displaced, they become vulnerable to abuses of their rights, violence, and limited access to food, healthcare and education. The main cause of displacement in Colombia is the civil war that started when the National Liberation Army and Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia guerrillas revolted. The government established paramilitary groups that began to counter the insurgents during the 80s. The paramilitary groups are still active and they keep on committing abuses. Other than the civil war, internal displacement is caused by wealthy land owners who dispossess people of their lands. Most of them use paramilitary groups to accomplish their mission of land acquisition. This paper will look at how Colombia’s â€Å"dispossessed†have their lands taken away by wealthy landowners with the complicity of the government. The dispossessed or displaced people in Columbia have their lands taken away from them by land owners who are wealthy. Moreover, the government and wealthy land owners collude to help ensure the wealthy land owners acquire more land, which in turn leads to displacement of the population. Apart from government participation in their illegal an inconsiderate practice of acquisition of land, the wealthy land owners make use of the self-defense units, the guerillas, drug dealers, and paramilitary forces. While undertaking their activities, these illegal groups commit killings, rape, massacres, extortion and forced displacement (Brenner 121). They more often than not, target members of the community that do not adhere to their orders. Paramilitary organizations and other illegal groups have assisted in allowing the access of multinational companies by chasing farmers and their family members away from their land. In addition, the dispossessed individuals are
Cadbury Schweppes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Cadbury Schweppes - Essay Example Aside from pivoting around these two elements, its responsible role is backed by CSR vision and strategy. Additionally, Cadbury Schweppes responsible role comes from the systems it has in place along with the company's pledge to live by its values. Through these steps the company strives to promote a brand that people love.1 The idea of promoting a brand that people love is fuelled by the idea that the more people love the brand, the more likely it is for Cadbury Schweppes to retain their position and do even better. In order to promote a brand that people love, the company listens to what people want. The company also learns from its past experiences with products that people easily take to. Through this simple process, Cadbury Schweppes has managed to successfully launch many products in the global market, as they know what people want.2 Acting responsibly is one aspect that Cadbury Schweppes continues to emphasize on. This aspect has permitted the company to place great value on its shareowners. This has allowed the company to put further thought into its CSR strategy that has Five Pillars. These include: Cadbury Schweppes continues to renew its commitments towards responsible growth of its business. Renewed commitments allows the company to be prepared for future CSR journey, which is termed as the company's 'Goals and Commitments on Sustainability.' Cadbury Schweppes has goals set for each of its Five Pillars for CSR strategy that is in sync with its approach to sustainability.3 The Problem Cadbury Faces Currently: Until recently, Cadbury Schweppes had little problem with its reputation. However, in June 2006, questions were raised regarding the ethical standards and social responsibility that the company preached for so long. According to the health department, Cadbury Schweppes has circulated stock that was contaminated4. This was discovered because of few cases of food poisoning that were traced back to Cadbury Schweppes. It was discovered that there was a leaking waste pipe that dripped some contaminants into Cadbury Schweppes' chocolate fudge. This is one of the ingredients used in many Cadbury products. After the investigation, it was determined that Cadbury Schweppes stood to lose 20 m because they had to recall the stock that was affected by the contamination5. Aside from the financial loss, there is also a risk of the company losing the trust of many customers. A Strategy to Counter Cadbury's Contamination Issue: Given that there are other top companies in the market today that have suffered breakdowns in ethical procedures, Cadbury Schweppes can recover from its position. It must be remembered that there are two things that Cadbury Schweppes stands to lose with its contamination issue; 20 m in circulated stock, and the trust of its customers. By already delaying recalling this circulated stock Cadbury has done itself damage. The strategy that Cadbury needs to adopt is: saving the company from long-term damage.6 Strategy Implementation: In order to save itself from long-term damage, Cadbury Schweppes
''Critically discuss the approaches a non-financial company should Essay
''Critically discuss the approaches a non-financial company should take in defining, measuring and effectively managing the risks inherent in a potential new project.'' - Essay Example The company plans its operations well in advance. These plans are based on an analysis of past activities and estimated forecasts. When the actual result matches with the planned result there is a gain but when the actual outcome is different from the expectation there is a loss. Despite this the activities of the company are based on the forecasts. This means that the company is taking a risk. Suppose, there is a company X Ltd based in US. A research by the company reveals that there is a good market for its product in Canada. To tap the Canadian market the company wishes to start its operations in Canada. For a new project the company requires funds for buying equipments, employing man-power, procuring materials etc. The funds required for setting up its new operations can be obtained as loans from financial institutions. But the availability of loan depends on the market conditions. It is difficult to obtain loan in a tight monetary market. During these times the company has to pa y a high rate of interest for securing loans. This raises the interest obligations of the company. Moreover the company is also subject to the risk of interest rate fluctuations. This is called interest rate risk. If the company avails a floating rate loan, a rise in the rate of interest pushes up its interest cost. This can be hedged with the help of swaps and derivative instruments (Nawalkha et al, 2005, P1). The material constitutes the most important part of the input. Its non-availability can have an adverse impact on production levels. If the company relies on a single supplier then it can be exposed to the unjust demands of the supplier. This can give rise to instances of short-supply, unfair prices etc. On account of his supreme position, he can demand for unfavourable terms of credit. If the supplier has a monopolistic position in the market he can ask for higher prices for the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Economic Growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Economic Growth - Essay Example This will effectively increase interest rates. Along with this, there will be an impact on aggregate output as output will increase with the increase in government spending. As G will increase, this will be impacted in the short run by a decrease in investment, as the supply of money in the banking sector will decrease. This will effectively increase interest rates. Along with this, there will be an impact on aggregate output as output will increase with the increase in government spending. Thus the aggregate demand will go up. This does increase private income and creates a multiplier effect to increase the output. In the money market, the money supply will reduce the banking system; on the other hand, there will be money creation due to increased government spending. A money multiplier effect will take place and the money supply will increase. If the effect of money supply increase by increased government spending is higher than the decrease caused by the reduction in the banking sector then interest rates will fall. On the other hand, if the impact of the increased government spending is higher than the impact of decreased money supply in the banking system then the interest rate will rise. Thus according to the classical model, there will be an immediate increase in price as the â€Å"invisible hand†will be there at work and balance the forces of supply and demand. Interest rates will go up due to the reduction in money supply in the banking sector. On the other hand, there will be a factor pushing the money supply up. Thus a balance will be created between money supply and money demand. Effectively the money that was kept in banks will be circulated to the public, thus creating the money multiplier effect, or creating secondary forms of money. Regarding employment, employment will remain constant in the classical model as the adjustment will be on prices and not on aggregate demand and supply.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Ostia antica Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ostia antica - Essay Example During the early Augustan period, a monumental theatre was constructed by Agrippa along with an adjacent rectangular double-colonnaded portico3 with a large space in the center to offer the audiences a retreat as they reached the interval or the end of the show4. In the second half of the second century, a trade center was made out of this structure that was further divided into several parts that appear to be the offices of traders. There was a unique mosaic in each office, revealing different kinds of commodities that the overseas clients purchased5. The Temple of Rome and Augustus is one of the landmarks which have preserved the Augustan period over the centuries. Roman sculptors carved its Italian marble faà §ade6, which not only reveals the building’s significance but also the amount of skill needed to achieve it. The horrea warehouses were the commercial buildings of extreme importance in Ostia. Ostia was like a bridge in Rome, which was used for different types of commodities, which imparted a need to store the imported goods. Commodities received in Ostia were numbered and catalogued before they were sent for Rome7. The audiences can also have a view of the imperial Roman lifestyle from the Bath buildings that provided the slaves and working men and women with retreat as they had a place to get together in a good environment8. The most common example of the Roman architecture of all time is the Roman tabernae. It is a very flexible and ordinary architectural unit often in the form of a single room that appeared like a â€Å"tall, deep, barrel-vaulted chamber open in front almost to its full width†9 in its enhanced form. Tabernae served many purposes that included but were not limited to frontage of apartments, market-places, and street shops. Owing to the constructors’ liking for the pattern and texture of it, brickwork was frequently employed in the decoration of the concrete buildings10. â€Å"In urban architecture it was
Economic Growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Economic Growth - Essay Example This will effectively increase interest rates. Along with this, there will be an impact on aggregate output as output will increase with the increase in government spending. As G will increase, this will be impacted in the short run by a decrease in investment, as the supply of money in the banking sector will decrease. This will effectively increase interest rates. Along with this, there will be an impact on aggregate output as output will increase with the increase in government spending. Thus the aggregate demand will go up. This does increase private income and creates a multiplier effect to increase the output. In the money market, the money supply will reduce the banking system; on the other hand, there will be money creation due to increased government spending. A money multiplier effect will take place and the money supply will increase. If the effect of money supply increase by increased government spending is higher than the decrease caused by the reduction in the banking sector then interest rates will fall. On the other hand, if the impact of the increased government spending is higher than the impact of decreased money supply in the banking system then the interest rate will rise. Thus according to the classical model, there will be an immediate increase in price as the â€Å"invisible hand†will be there at work and balance the forces of supply and demand. Interest rates will go up due to the reduction in money supply in the banking sector. On the other hand, there will be a factor pushing the money supply up. Thus a balance will be created between money supply and money demand. Effectively the money that was kept in banks will be circulated to the public, thus creating the money multiplier effect, or creating secondary forms of money. Regarding employment, employment will remain constant in the classical model as the adjustment will be on prices and not on aggregate demand and supply.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
A Birthday Remembered Essay Example for Free
A Birthday Remembered Essay Love is very complicated, not just butterflies in one’s stomach, but it also involves a lot of pain. The pain is not easy to drain. We have to confront ourselves with the pain and get over it, but that’s easier said than done. We restrain our feelings and try to forget them. This only causes an even bigger pain. That is the situation for Ellen, the main character in this short story. Ellen’s love life has been complicated, she is a lesbian and obliged to listen to people’s prejudices. Her one and only love, Jackie, dies caused by an incurable illness and she is not allowed to bury her â€Å"She has not been allowed to do this one last thing for Jackie. To be with her during the last rituals.†(l.24-25). Because of Jackie’s former husband, Roger, whom she has left to live with Ellen, but he could not accept his wife being a lesbian, because of his man-stubbornness and he even tried to declare her temporarily insane (l.15). Jackie’s daughter on the other hand thinks that what Ellen and Jackie had was wonderful and beautiful, but you don’t know yet if she’s a lesbian herself or a heterosexual (l.102). The short story is written in third-person (l. 8) â€Å"why shouldn’t she?†The narrator is not omniscient, but we have inner-angel from Aunt El since we only â€Å"hear†thoughts from her, and not from Tobie or Warrick. (line. 104) â€Å"She felt the shock of the words†. You can’t really tell if the narrator is reliable or not, since we don’t know which connection he has to any of those in the story. Neither does he try to make anyone to seem like the â€Å"bad guy†, but the narrator is making us feel sorry for Aunt El, for her big lost Jackie. (L. 24 89) â€Å"She hadn’t been allowed to do this one last thing for Jackie†â€Å"but we have to get used to living without loved ones†. The language used in this short story is very well written and is very descriptive, because of all the adjectives being used, which makes the story way more â€Å"living†. (l. 12) â€Å"Roger had been furious, appalled and angr y..†although the story is very well written it’s also a bit harsh to understand, because of some of all these adjectives and expressions. At line 37 there might be a flashback â€Å"here’s to you, Ellen Simms, on your birthday†. See more: The stages of consumer buying decision process essay The reason that this maybe could be a flashback is firstly because of the changing of the type, at only that sentence, which might give an account of her past together with Jackie before her death. One thing that was striking me was that the story is written in the preterit, but at the same time the narrator uses direct speech, which I think is a bit odd, since you normally writes the whole story in either present or the past, and very seldom a combination of the 2 indication of times. We have two main characters in this story, who’s Aunt El and Tobie: Aunt El / Ellen Simms is an old women who lives by herself. She used to be heterosexual and lived together with a man named Roger. They had a kid together named Tobie which is 15 years old. Ellen chooses to leave Roger because she’s changing her sexuality, and becomes a lesbian and falls in love with Jackie. But unfortunately Jackie died one year from now on, which leaves her alone with Tobie, and chooses to return back t o the father Roger. Ellen is a very obliging and kind person. She really misses her old flame Jackie, and cares a lot about Tobie whether her sexuality is heterosexual or lesbian (l. 83) â€Å"suppose it had been a girl? People choose who they want.†She seems considerate, when she offers Tobie and Warrick a hot cocoa, and remembers that young’s always are hungry and decides to make them some sandwiches. Tobie is daughter of Ellem Simms and the late Jackie. She’s 15 years old, but doesn’t have an abundance of friends (l. 20) â€Å"Tobie never had an abundance of friends†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She has short blond hair, had lineament from her father and a nice smile (l. 53-55). She cares about Ellen, since she’s the only one who shows up at her birthday and brings a present, which she has been saving money, for about a week. The way she earns these money is through her job in the library (l. 68) â€Å"I’m a library page after school..†helpful is also a good word, that would describe, which you can see in the story, when she offers her help to go and make cocoa together with Ellen. It seems she trusts Ellen more than her own father, since she decides to show Warrick for Ellen instead of her father. The message in this short story, is that pain will always be there, but only temporary, but at the same time hard to get over. That love is a big (maybe the biggest) part of our life and we should not regret, but remember the good times you’ve had with those you’ve loved. Don’t take anything in vain, live your life. And it doesn’t care if you are a heterosexual, lesbian or gay, just as long as you are happy. The title of this story is â€Å"a birthday remembered†which I guess is chosen because of all the emotional feelings that’s stepping in strength through this story and especially the quote from the daughters side â€Å"I hope it will be as wonderful and beautiful as what you and mom had together†.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Samsung Electronics Management Style
Samsung Electronics Management Style Samsung Electronics is a Korea-based consumer electronics company. The case describes Samsungs journey from a company focused on manufacturing to one known for the excellence of its product design. It discusses how the company came to use design as a differentiator and for competitive advantage. It describes the steps that Samsung took on the people, process, and system fronts to improve its design capabilities. The case also talks about Samsungs design philosophy, and ends with a brief discussion on the use of design as a competitive advantage. Like all companies in the business of high tech, Samsung must bring innovative products to market faster while ensuring high quality and holding down costs. It is also faced with the challenge of working with global business partners and its own geographically dispersed facilities. Samsungs strategy for meeting its mission of technology-based value innovation relies heavily on what it calls a digital convergence revolution. This revolution features two parts: a digital product development infrastructure (involving design, validation and manufacturing) and digital collaboration. During the period covered by the case study Samsung underwent significant change. How would you characterise the type of change that it underwent? Balogun Hope Haileys analytical framework may be useful for this purpose. According to Balogun.J and Hope Hailey.V there are four types of strategic changes namely Adaptation, Reconstruction, Evolution and Revolution. During the changes that Samsung underwent it will be highlighted exactly the way in which to company changed, whether the change was done over time or whether the change was suddenly implemented. Samsung shows signs of Reconstruction. Reconstruction is a rapid change and it may involve a great deal of confusion but it does not require a fundamental paradigm shift in the way the company does things. (Balogun.J and Hope Hailey.V, 1999)Reconstruction may be a turnaround situation where there is a need for a major structural change or a major cost cutting programme to deal with declining financial performances or changing market conditions. Yun and his management team decided to take steps that would push Samsung out of it a precarious financial position. Therefore he reconstructed the company by layoff of 30,000 employees which represented a third of its entire workforce. This major cost cutting programme was done so that they could get out their debt. Yun and the management team also decided to close down many Samsung factories for two months in order to get rid of their excessive inventory that did not sell. Yun and the team also made major changes when they sold off two billion dollars worth of businesses, like pagers and electric coffeemakers, which were perceived to be marginal significance for the firms future. These types of changes helped the company regain their losses which was a major structural and financial need for the company. Yun wanted to implement a strategy that would separate Samsung from their competitors. Therefore he pushed the firm to develop its own products rather than coping these products of other firms that had been developed. Yun placed a lot of emphasis on the development of products that would impress the customers with their attractive designs and advanced technology. Therefore Yun was reconstructuring the way Samsung has been doing business and wanted the company to reach higher standards where they can be seen as a quality brand and compete with the bigger companies. As a result Samsung reconstruction underwent a major design turnaround from a poorly designed product to a product that will be an in-house design. The next major step that Yun took was to recruitment of new managers and engineers, many of whom had developed considerable experience in the United States. The recruitment of managers and the engineers had a major turnaround due to the fact that it allowed them to start developing their own products and be innovative. He then also discarded Samsungs seniority-based system to a merit-based system for advancements. A merit-based system are based on ones performance meaning that the employees could feel more open to expressing their ideas to help the company reach its goals with the knowledge that they will be rewarded for it. Therefore this turnaround helped the company to have a better relationship with their employees and create a system that would allow them to feel open to express their ideas and creativity. Another major change that Yun made was to hire a marketing whiz, called Eric Kim, which worked hard to create a more upscale image for the company and its products. Eric implemented a major turnaround when he moved Samsungs advertising away from 55 different advertising agencies around the world and then he placed them into one firm. The reason for this change was to create a consistent global brand image for Samsungs product. He therefore got Samsung out of big discount chains and placed more of Samsungs products into more upscale specialty stores. Reconstruction of the firms bureaucratic was implemented in order to reduce it to get faster approvals for new product budgets and marketing plans, thus speeding up their abilities to seize opportunities. Because of the bureaucratic turnaround situation it allowed Yun to make heavy investments into key technologies and it allowed them to push out a wide variety of digital products. How significant was Jong- Yong Yuns role in the change process? Samsungs CEO Jong-Yong Yuns philosophy of continuous improvement has helped Samsung get out of their financial crisis and making it stronger than ever. Yun specifically applied an industrial engineering concept to Samsung in order to cut production times and increase workers productivity. Although he initially met resistance in implementing industrial engineering in the firm, Yun sponsored in-house training sessions for workers. He also trained 1,550 managers in Industrial Engineering concepts. Yuns plans involved product innovation, process innovation and personnel innovation. Samsung Electronics not only shot to the front of the pack internationally but also lifted its parent Samsung Group to the number one spot in South Koreas all-important business rankings. Therefore because of Yuns efforts, which drew heavily on industrial engineering concepts, Samsung Group stood at the top of South Koreas giant industrial conglomerates. At the heart of Yuns strategic plan for Samsung Electronics were the three Ps: product, process, and personnel innovation. In the area of product innovation Yun moved quickly to extract Samsung from those businesses that were marginal or no longer producing an acceptable rate of return for the company. As a result Samsung Electronics reduced its television output and did away with such marginal product lines as dishwashers, electronic pagers, and juicers. These products were replaced with such high-tech, high-margin goods as flat-panel displays, MP3 music players, and advanced mobile phones. Among the processes streamlined by Yun was the global supply chain, which was changed from a monthly to a weekly system. Under the new system the company changed their focus from make-to-stock to make-to-order production. With the reduction in inventories cash flow improved. In the area of personnel innovation Yun instituted a system of global product management under which each of Samsung Electronics 14 divisions was directed by a global product manager who was responsible for every phase of that divisions operations. (Pedler, M., Burgogyne, J. and Boydell, T. 1997.) Yun also decided to give his subordinates greater autonomy meaning he empowered the employees. Yuns role played a major role for the success of the company and increased their profits. Yuns achievement in masterminding the sharp turnaround at Samsung Electronics is the reason why the company is successful. Yuns role in the change process was important as he made major changes to the system. Yun changed the momentum of the company; he changed the bureaucratic system to allow the employees to express their ideas which lead to Samsung been innovative. Yun role in the change process allowed the Samsungs products to be viewed as a higher-priced brand rather than before where it was perceived as a lower-priced appliance. It also became an established low cost supplier of various components to larger and better-known manufactures around the world. Therefore Yuns role helped the company to tap into their resources that they had and to use them to change how processes were done. Yun also changed the process by recruiting the managers and the engineers. Yun laid the foundation for the new change that was implemented and without the guidance and standards that was set by Yun the change processes would not have been successful. Yun played a role in each aspect of Samsungs change and help the company get of their financial problems. Yun was very dedicated to his work and risked a lot for the company. Yun and his management team took time to make sure that the changes they were implementing would be successful and that it would speed up the research and development of new products. Yuns role in the change process gave the customers a better impression on the firms products. His role also allowed Samsung to reduce complexity in the early stages of the design cycle. This then resulted in the firm been able to get the products to the manufactures quickly with minimal problems and at the lowest possible costs. Therefore Yun truly played a significant role in the change process and he helps advance Samsung in digital technologies. Yuns strategy to focus on the higher-end products has clearly enhanced the firms brand image and has led the company to be profitable. In fact many executives in the industry of US have said they are astounded by the ability of the firm to generate a superior brand image. This would not have been possible if Yun was not playing a part in the change process as it was his thinking that allowed this to happen. What methods did Samsung use to promote innovation and the diffusion of ideas across the organisation? Firstly Samsung promoted innovation by deciding to push the firm to develop its own products rather than to copy those products that other firms have developed. Yun placed a great amount of emphasis on the development of products that would impress the customers with their attractive designs. Yun also reoriented the firm and helped it develop new capabilities by recruiting the managers and engineers. Yun put the new managers and engineers through a four week boot camp that was intended to create incentives for new talent. Samsung rigid seniority/based system was replaced with a merit base system that allowed advancement to take place, it also allowed the employees to know that their efforts and ideas are not overlooked and that good ideas are rewarded. As a result the above efforts Samsung started launch an array of products that was designed to make a big impression on the customers. Another large part of the success of Samsungs innovation and ideas was that they regularly got information from the retailers about the new features that customers wanted to see in their electronic devices. This close link with the retailers helped Samsung to come up with best selling products and to create the digital products that the customers were looking for and the actual design preferences of the products. Samsung managers who have worked for competitors say they have to go through far fewer layers of bureaucracy than they had in the past to win approval for new product, budgets and marketing plans, speeding up their ability to seize opportunities. Therefore Samsung reduced the bureaucratic obstacles. Because the bureaucratic obstacle was reduced it allowed Yun to make investments into key technologies that allowed the innovative products to be designed. Samsung claims that it has been able to reduce the time that it takes to go from a new product concept to rollout to as little as six months. Due to the above ideas of how to better run the business it resulted in allowing the efforts of the firms top managers, engineers and designers to be expressed and to be acknowledged for their ideas. It allowed them to better communicate with the top managers about their ideas. Samsung advances in digital technologies have helped with them increasing their chances of getting a better position in the market. They have promoted their innovation by combining their computers, consumer electronics and communications to be the prime leader. Samsung had also created the post of chief design officer to make sure that designers can get their ideas to the top managers. The engineers are pushed to find ways to work with the designs that are presented to them. Yun has also worked closely with Chin to summon engineers and designers from across the firm to mix wireless, semiconductor and computer expertise in order to pursue its vision of domination of the digital home. Samsung had even opened or expanded design centres to help the designers observe the way that consumers actually use the various products. Therefore by giving them this opportunity they know how to be innovative when it comes to designing the products. The designers were able to watch from behind a two-way mirror to see how the customers responded to a particular design. With this the designers were able to go back and work on the necessary things that needed to be implemented in order to make sure the products are what the customers want. This forced the designers to think out of the box and be creative and come up with ideas that would impress the customers. The designers are basically rewarded when they see their hard work and ideas been appreciated by the customers if the product is up to their standards. Samsung at the end of the day relies on the attractiveness of its products therefore Samsung ensures that the employees are happy and are able to express their ideas. To what extent is Samsung a learning organisation? A learning organization is the term given to a company that facilitates the learning of its members and continuously transforms itself. (Pedler, M., Burgogyne, J. and Boydell, T. 1997). Learning organizations develop as a result of the pressures facing modern organizations and enables them to remain competitive in the business environment. A learning organization is characterised by five main features namely: systems thinking, personal mastery, mental models, shared vision and team learning. (Peter Senge,1990) An approach of Samsung was to be innovation and to promote a learning organization. The most recent and widely accepted notion of learning organization today is one which is characterized by an organizational culture that fosters the improvement of the employees, their productivity and the overall operation and performance of the business through continuous learning (Gilley Maycunich, 2000, p. 5). Theoretically, Samsung maintained a significant capacity to renew all the processes and they remained competitively ready to create products that the customers wanted, therefore the employees got opportunities the identify the customers need because of Samsung been a organization learning. Continuous learning and change is valued through learning organizations. The main concern for Samsung is about the market share, productivity and profitability and it is understood that learning is the key element in obtaining these business results. The creation of capabilities that are previously not established is the idea of learning and Samsung has allowed its employees to be exposed to learning. Moreover, the principle assumption of the learning organization is the improvement of the learning capacity of the individual is similar to the organizations performance. According to Ruffa Morato,( 2009) Samsungs Six Sigma Academy was established to educate the employees and build up the team of quality specialists with problem solving abilities. Samsung spent 3.6 percent of payroll costs on education and training, a very high percentage as compared to firms such as Xerox, NUMMI, Saturn, IBM and Motorola. (Type Pad, 2007) Samsung does not only make investments in education and training but it also creates incentives in order to help motivate each employee and organizational learning. Each employee is given the opportunity to set the learning objectives and learning themes with the consent of the supervisor (Bae Kim, 2004, p.188). Periodic interviews are carried out to assess the progress and discuss the steps to speed up the learning before a final evaluation is given by the end of the year. (Ruffa Morato, 2009).The assessment will decide the actual learning points and promotion of the employees. Samsung also provided the employees with advance technologies so that the employees are able to do their work. The fact that Samsung also sent their designers to boot camp to find creative ideas, it shows their interest to their employees and their interest in trying to ensure that they reach their potential. Samsung had learned as an organisation to be more innovative and creative to reach their goals and to grow. Samsung has invested in their employees to come up with ideas that will wow the customers. They have brought the right employees to work together to create a quality brand image. Therefore Samsung is a learning organisation to the extent that it invests in its own employees as one of their main focuses. CONCLUSION: The competitiveness of the global marketplace has required organizations to become innovative not only in the products and services they create but as well as in their strategies and approaches. Indeed, Samsungs success manifests the substantial returns from innovating within the organization. This involved the styles of the senior marketers to effect the innovation by encouraging participation and involvement of the employees. Samsung recognized that the innovation lies in its most important asset the people. As such, it made innovations in the workplace to empower the employees. This includes training the employees and providing incentives for them. The company has been and continues to strive to become the world leader in the electronics and communication industry by innovating in each and every aspect of its business. Harvard Referencing: Baker, W.E., Sinkula, J.M. (1999), The synergistic effect of market orientation and the learning organization on organizational performance, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 27 No.4, pp.411-27 Balogun.J and Hope Hailey.V, 1999, Exploring Strategic Changes, Prentice Hall Barber, Ben, South Koreas Troubles Are Blamed on Chaebols,' Washington Times, December 25, 1997. Brooke, James, Samsung Tries to Keep Outgrowing Economic Woes, International Herald Tribune, April 28, 2003. Dempsey, Michael, Jong-Yong Yun of Samsung Electronics, Financial Times, February 4, 2002. Pedler, M., Burgogyne, J. and Boydell, T. 1997. The Learning Company: A strategy for sustainable development. 2nd Ed. London; McGraw-Hill. Peter Senge (1990) ,  The Fifth Discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization, Doubleday, New York,.page .105,164 Ruffa Morato , Company Case Studies Technorati Tags: company case study, Essay samples, September 30, 2009, retrieved 7 July, Wrigley, N., Currah, A. (2003), The stresses of retail internationalisation: lessons from Royal Aholds experience in Latin America,International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, Vol. 13 No.3, pp.221-43.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Recollection in Platos Phaedo and Meno Essay -- Philosophy Religion E
Recollection in Plato's Phaedo and Meno As the earliest philosopher from whom we have written texts, Plato is often misrepresented as merely reproducing Socratic rhetoric. In Meno, one of the first Platonic dialogues, Plato offers his own unique philosophical theory, infused with his mentor's brilliant sophistry. Amidst discussing whether or not virtue can be taught, Meno poses a difficult paradox: How can one be virtuous, or seek virtue, when one cannot know what it is? "How will you aim to search for something you do not know at all?" (Plato, Meno, 80d). From this question, Plato purposes a solution, that knowledge must be recollected from the soul. When the soul enters the world of space and time, Plato suggests, it carries some prior knowledge of forms; that is to say, the soul "remembers" its knowledge of unchangeable truths. (Meno, 81c-d). Thus follows the conclusion that education cannot teach knowledge, but rather aids a student to recall what the soul already knows. Plato notes, however, that although the body is capable of recollecting knowledge (of forms), it is... Recollection in Plato's Phaedo and Meno Essay -- Philosophy Religion E Recollection in Plato's Phaedo and Meno As the earliest philosopher from whom we have written texts, Plato is often misrepresented as merely reproducing Socratic rhetoric. In Meno, one of the first Platonic dialogues, Plato offers his own unique philosophical theory, infused with his mentor's brilliant sophistry. Amidst discussing whether or not virtue can be taught, Meno poses a difficult paradox: How can one be virtuous, or seek virtue, when one cannot know what it is? "How will you aim to search for something you do not know at all?" (Plato, Meno, 80d). From this question, Plato purposes a solution, that knowledge must be recollected from the soul. When the soul enters the world of space and time, Plato suggests, it carries some prior knowledge of forms; that is to say, the soul "remembers" its knowledge of unchangeable truths. (Meno, 81c-d). Thus follows the conclusion that education cannot teach knowledge, but rather aids a student to recall what the soul already knows. Plato notes, however, that although the body is capable of recollecting knowledge (of forms), it is...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Essays --
Robert Miyoshi Dr. Conti CPRL 110-04 15 December 2013 The Religious Journey of Malcolm X Malcolm X is widely known as one of the most influential figures in the movement of Civil Rights. Although his views did change over time, he was always very sincere about his beliefs and stood by them one-hundred percent. He was born Malcolm Little, to a Baptist lay speaker and a Grenada-born homemaker, Malcolm’s family had to be relocated several times because of constant death-threats toward his father. At the age of six, Earl, Malcolm’s father was killed in a streetcar accident that the family believed was the work of a white supremacist group called the Black Legion. At thirteen, Malcolm’s mother was institutionalized at a mental hospital, leaving her children to be separated into foster homes. Although an excellent student in junior high school, Malcolm dropped out of school when a white teacher told him that his dream of practicing law was â€Å"no realistic goal for a nigger†. After a youth of petty crime and a young adulthood of larger infractions, Malcolm found himself in jail for larceny and breaking and entering. While serving his eight to ten year sentence at Charlestown State Prison, Malcolm began reading and furthering his education through reading. Also while in prison, Malcolm’s brother, Reginald visited him bearing news of a religion called the â€Å"Nation of Islam†. This belief system fit well with Malcolm’s views of white people: that they are devils and that black men and women are truly the superior race. While still in prison, Malcolm maintained correspondence with Elijah Muhammad, the leader of the Nation of Islam. The ‘X’ in Malcolm’s name began appearing in 1950 and replaced his surname â€Å"Little†because, â€Å"[his] ‘X’ replac... ...s as they saw that Nation as only a role-reversal of the white/black conflict in the United States. The Nation of Islam was labeled as hatemongers, black supremacists, racists, violence-seekers, segregationists, and a threat to improved race relations. Malcolm X went even as far as to denounce the civil rights movement and called Martin Luther King Jr. a â€Å"chump†and other civil rights leaders â€Å"stooges†of the white establishment. While in the height of his popularity among the Nation of Islam and as numbers of blacks in the United States joined the Nation, Malcolm had internal conflicts. These were because he had found out that Elijah Muhammad had had extramarital affairs with other members of the Nation of Islam; a huge sin within the religion. Muhammad had had as many as six women that he had slept with and Malcolm X was deeply affected by his leader’s actions.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Christian Worldview Essay
There is a universal absolute truth that can be known – God is the Ultimate reality. Life has meaning and purpose – death is not the end. History is purposeful and illustrates the movement toward the fulfillment of God’s plan for His creation. Human beings are created in the image of God – physical and spiritual beings who can know and relate to God. Everything that exists is a creation of God’s intelligent design. †¢The Importance of Testing a Worldview Samples (2007) states, â€Å"A person’s worldview is the prism through which one makes sense of life and death. Therefore it is critical to have a view that is genuinely clear and distinct†(p. 27). My worldview provides the basis for all of my decisions, thoughts, and actions. For this reason, I want to make sure that the prism I am using has no cracks or inconsistencies in it that will distort my vision. By applying three major tests, I will be able to determine the validity of my worldview and deepen my faith through truth. †¢Three Major Tests According to Cosgrove (2006), the following questions should be asked: Test of EvidenceÃ'Ž â€Å"Is your worldview in agreement with scientific and experiential observations? Does the worldview fit the world? †(p. 66). Test of Logical Consistency â€Å"Does every belief in the worldview agree with every other belief in that worldview? †(p. 67). Test of Existential Repugnance â€Å"Is it possible to live the worldview in the world – can it be lived in real life? †(p. 68). †¢Results Test of Evidence †¢Human biochemical design is completely different than any other species on Earth. †¢Human †¢Human mind is complex and capable of thought and reasoning.beings have personality and character and the only species on Earth with linguistic abilities. †¢Human beings are instilled with an intrinsic desire for truth, morality, purpose, and destiny. †¢Human †¢All beings have free will and the ability to choose. organisms are designed with a tendency toward selfpreservation. †¢Everything in existence (mankind, animals, nature, the Universe) has intentional design, purpose, and order. †¢Results Test of Logical Consistency †¢Human beings have self-awareness, language, creativity, and the ability to communicate. †¢Each human has a basic personality make-up of mind, will, feelings, emotions, and personal identity. †¢Everything that has been created can be investigated and known because it is rational, ordered, and predictable. †¢There †¢There are absolute moral laws reflecting the character and nature of God. is unity of spiritual and physical worlds – a reality beyond the material world (the substance of which is beyond the comprehension of mankind). †¢. Human beings are spiritually motivated and have an inherent need to believe in something greater than themselves. †¢Creation reveals God’s character and nature. †¢Results Test of Existential Repugnance †¢History proves deterioration of societal morals, values, and behavior when God is removed from the cultural equation. †¢Fulfillment is experienced when actions and behavior reflect God’s nature and character. †¢Evidence provided within the church by those who share likeminded worldviews that the worldview can be lived out in real life. †¢Above all, I live my worldview in real life daily and experience spiritual growth, diminished self-centeredness, and expanding trust in Him on a continual basis. †¢Reaction to the Results For the first time in my life, I was able to see in black and white just how much God has done for me and the depth of healing that has occurred within my mind and soul. I have experienced a worldview without God. It is a life devoid of hope, trust, and love. I realized that I still have so much to learn, but I am convinced I am on the right track and living as I was created to live. My worldview will continue to develop through experiences that bring more clarity of His character through faith and learning. Recent World Events †¢Effect of World Events on Worldview Recent world events have served to solidify my worldview and confirm the truth of God’s word in the Bible. Genesis 3:7-19 documents how we have come to live in a fallen world (NKJV). As a result, the world has to contend with sickness, sorrow, evil and death. As I see world events occur, I know that I am seeing through my own eyes the truth being revealed before me. We live in a broken world. Whether natural disasters or manmade tragedies, I know that God can see what I can’t see. Through my own experiences, I have come to know with all my heart that I can trust that God is in control. Because of this, I have no need to fear the world events that occur, but instead recognize that it is all part of His plan to redeem His people and fulfill the purpose He has for His creation. Because of this, I need not fear what is happening, but use it as the opportunity to show the love of Jesus Christ through compassion and willingness to help. †¢Ways Recent Events Have Changed Worldview The real test for my worldview comes in putting my beliefs into action. It is one thing to say, but quite another to go the extra mile and do. Recent world events have caused me to look inside and muster up the courage to act on what I believe. Amazingly, I have discovered that each time I do reach out and become involved, my love for God and others deepens, the truth of His word becomes more obvious, and my awareness of who He is expands through practical application. †¢Conclusion The presuppositions making up my worldview can never be proven or demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt. Faith is essential, for by faith, I am entrusting myself to God. As I entrust myself to God I receive certainty, connection, and the ground for my existence. It is this entrusting that I meet God in myself and in creation, even as God meets me. Through faith, I am graciously renewed. I experience connection with self, others, creation, and God, who is the healing power and sustaining ground of my life. This commitment to faith integrates and guides my daily experience. †¢In the Final Analysis My worldview is as individual as I am. Shaped by experience, my worldview has evolved to what it is today. I have discovered God’s Truth because my life is evidence of the truth. I tried every technique, medication, and therapy known to man trying to change my life – the results were nil until I became saved. God orchestrated changes within me that have transformed my being. Only God had the capability to heal my soul-sickness and fill the empty void within me that I had felt my entire life. I may not have all of the answers, but one thing I do have is unshakable faith and belief born on the evidence I have seen (and lived). †¢A Parting Thought As clearly illustrated in his admonishment to the believers in Colossae, the Apostle Paul understood the importance of testing one’s worldview; â€Å"See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. †(Colossians 2:8, NKJV). Just as it was important then, this reproach should be heeded today. †¢References Cosgrove, M. (2006). Foundations of Christian thought: Faith, learning and the Christian worldview. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications. Samples, K. (2007). A world of difference: Putting Christian truth-claims to the worldview test. Dartmouth: Baker Books.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Tender-Invitation to Treat-Contract Law
Contract Law Presented by Kerra Bazzey Contract Law Formation of a Contract Terms of a Contract Discharge of a Contract Remedies for Breach of a Contract Formation of a Valid and Enforceable Contract Offer Acceptance Consideration Intention to Create Legal Relations Privity of Contract Capacity to Contract Must not be illegal or contrary to public policy Formation of a Contract A contract is an agreement which creates legal rights and obligations between the parties to it. It is formed when the parties reach agreement on the essential features of the bargain.Offer – a statement made by a party which manifests an intention to be bound on precise terms. The person who makes an offer is known as the offeror or the promisor. The person to whom the promise is made is the offeree or the promisee. Bilateral contracts – most common form of contract – here there is an exchange of promises. Unilateral contracts – commonly known as an ‘if’ contract †“ here the promise is one-sided as the offeror alone makes a promise. Elements of an Offer (i) An offer can be made to an individual, a group of persons or to the public at large.An offer to the public at large can only be made where the contract is a unilateral one. (ii) An offer should not be vague. Where on the face of it an offer appears to be vague, but the parties have had prior dealings or are operating in a particular trade, then the courts will imply certain terms and conditions to conclude that a statement that initially appeared vague is in fact sufficiently certain. (iii) A response in request to clarification on price or a request for more information is not an offer. Elements of an Offer Consider the following exchange: – H: â€Å"Will you sell us your farm called Bumper Hall Pen? Fax me the lowest price†? F: â€Å"Lowest price for Bumper Hall Pen is $1,200,000. 00†. -H: â€Å"We agree to buy Bumper Hall Pen for $1,200,000. 00 asked by you†. – F never replied to this. H argued there was a valid contract. -The court held that F’s statement was not an offer. – It was merely a response to a request for information which showed the lowest price that F would have been prepared to charge in the event that he chose to sell the Bumper Hall Pen. – H’s last communication could therefore not be regarded as an acceptance. Elements of an Offer (iv) If a person declares that he intends to so something, that statement of intention is not an offer.If someone acts based on what was declared, and the person who made the declaration does not carry out the act he stated he would, but the person who acted based on what was said suffers a loss, the person who suffered the loss cannot bring an action against the person who made the declaration. This is because there was never any offer so there was nothing to be accepted. Consider the following case: – An auctioneer advertised in the newspaper that he would be holding a sale of office furniture. – A broker commissioned to buy office furniture travelled from far to attend the sale but all the furniture was withdrawn. The broker sued the auctioneer for his loss of time and expenses. – Can he recover for his loss of time and expenses? – No. – The court would hold that an intention to do something does not constitute an offer geared towards create a binding contract. Invitations to Treat Invitation to Treat An offer must be distinguished from an invitation to treat. An invitation to treat is an invitation to someone else to make an offer. It is not an offer because there is no intention to be legally bound. It is an invitation to negotiate. There are 4 categories of invitations to treat – advertisements in a newspaper display of goods on a shelf – auction sales – invitations to tender Invitation to Treat Advertisements As a general rule, an advertisement in a newspaper is not an of fer. It is an attempt to induce offers. This general rule is displaced where the advertiser by his word or conduct shows a clear intention to be bound, as is often the case in the unilateral contract. Display of Goods on a Shelf A store owner who displays goods on a shelf with the price attached does not make an offer. He is merely inviting the public to make an offer to buy the goods at the price stated. Auction SaleThe general rule is that in an auction sale, when the auctioneer invites bids, this is not an offer but an invitation to treat. When the bidder responds with a bid, he is in fact making an offer and the auctioneer is then free to accept or reject this. Invitation to Treat Invitation to Tender Generally a request to tender will be considered as an invitation to treat. Any tender document which is submitted in response to this request is an offer and the invitee of the tender is then free to accept whichever offer he chooses. Termination of an Offer (i) Revocation or with drawal of an offer by the offeror (ii) Counter offer (iii)Lapse of time (iv) Death (v) Non-fulfilment of a condition precedent Termination of an Offer (i) Revocation – A revocation is a withdrawal of an offer. An offer can be revoked at any time before it is accepted because there is no binding contract before acceptance. An offer cannot be revoked after it has been accepted. A revocation must be communicated to the offeree to be effective. If it is not, and the offeree accepts, there will be a contract. Termination of an Offer Consider the following: By letter dated 1st October, A offered to sell goods to B. – B received the offer on 11th October and immediately accepted by fax. Prior to that, on 8th October A wrote a letter revoking the offer. He mailed this and B received it on 20th October. – Is there a contract? – Yes. The court would hold that the revocation came too late and was not effective until it had reached B. A contract was made when B faxed his acceptance. Termination of an Offer The revocation does not have to be communicated to the offeree by the offeror himself. It is enough if the offeree learns of the revocation from a source which he believes to be reliable. A mere request for additional information does not destroy an offer. Consider the following example:A offered to sell B goods at $100,000 per ton and stated that the offer would remain open until Monday. – Early on Monday B telephoned A and asked him to indicate whether he would accept ‘$100,000 per ton for delivery over two months or if not, the longest limit he would give. In other words, he was asking whether he could buy the goods on credit. Termination of an Offer – A did not respond. – On Monday afternoon B contacted A to accept the offer and found out that A had sold the goods to a third party. – Was there is breach of contract? – Yes. – The enquiry was not a counter offer but a request for further infor mation.A’s offer had not been terminated. Termination of an Offer Counter Offer Lapse of Time Where an offer is stated to be open for a specified time only, once that time expires and the other party has not responded, then the offer automatically ends. If no time is stipulated, the offer may lapse after a reasonable time. Death Where the offeror dies before the offer is accepted by the offeree, the offer is terminated. If the offer is accepted before the offeror dies, it may be enforceable against the estate if it is not of a personal nature. Elements of a Valid Acceptance AcceptanceA contract can only exist when there is consensus ad idem, that is, a meeting of the minds. This is where the acceptance merges with the offer. An offeror can prescribe that the acceptance must occur in a particular manner, eg by post or hand delivered or by telephone. An acceptance to an offer is only effective if it is communicated to and received by the offeror. If something impacts upon the a bility of the offeror to receive word of the acceptance, for example, because of interference on the phone line or because the offeree is unable to speak clearly, then there is no contract.Elements of a Valid Acceptance Silence does not amount to acceptance. Consider the following example. B placed a house with an auctioneer to find a buyer. Subsequently A began to negotiate directly with B for the purchase of the house. The only outstanding matter was the question of the price. A stated â€Å"if I do not hear from you I shall assume that the house is mine at $X. †When B heard this he told the auctioneer not to sell the house. In error, the auctioneer sold it to another person. A sued in conversion (a tort alleging wrongful disposal of property).Although B’s actions suggested that he was in effect accepting B’s offer, the court held that there was no contract because he never communicated this acceptance to A. His silence did not amount to acceptance. There was therefore no contract. Elements of a Valid Acceptance An acceptance of an offer must be absolute and unqualified. If it does not accept all the terms of the contract as originally set out, it will be a rejection of the offer. Where the offeree introduces a new term which the offeror never mentioned he introduces a counter offer.A counter offer effectively puts an end to the original offer and it cannot be accepted later. Example – A offers to sell a house to B for $1,800,000. 00. B asks A whether he will accept $1,500,000. This request by B is a counter offer which has effectively brought the original offer to an end. There is therefore nothing open for B to accept and A is free to sell to a 3rd party. Acceptance When a counter offer is accepted then its terms and not the terms of the original offer become the terms of the contract. Example B and M agreed to enter into a formal contract after a series of negotiations.M sent the terms of the contract to B for signature. B sig ned the agreement but amended it by inserting the name of an arbitrator who would be used to settle any disputes. The contract was never formally executed but each party acted in accordance with the agreed terms. When a dispute arose under the contract, B sought to argue that there was no binding contract. The court held that the insertion of the name of the arbitrator was in fact a counter offer. Once M took delivery of goods in accordance with the terms of the contract, its conduct amounted to an acceptance of the counter offer. Acceptance Subject to Contract’ means that the parties do not intend to bind themselves until a formal document has been drafted and signed. The effect is no rights or legal obligations are imposed on either party. Acceptance The Postal Rule A distinction is drawn between an acceptance through instantaneous means and one in a contract by post. The post office rule constitutes the post office as an agent of the offeror. It states that when an accepta nce is placed under the lawful control of the post office, it is effective even without actual physical delivery to the offeror. The postal rule applies to acceptance only and not to offers.Acceptance Consider the following example: A posted an offer to B on 2nd September. That letter contained a clause which stated that A expected a response by the post. The letter was incorrectly addressed and reached B on the 5th September. B sent off a letter at once agreeing to all the terms contained in the offer. On the 8th September, A not having heard from B, sold the item to a third party. Was there a breach of contract? Yes, because a contract had been completed on the 5th September when B posted the letter of acceptance. The post office was the agent of A, the offeror and had received the acceptance on his behalf.
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