Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Quotations for Boss Appreciation Day
Quotations for Boss Appreciation Day America and Canada have set aside 16 October (or the nearest working day) to celebrate Boss Appreciation Day. Employees think of innovative ways to express their gratitude to their bosses. Some say it with cards and flowers; others like to throw lavish parties. The first ever Boss Day was observed in 1958. That year, Patricia Bays Haroski, a secretary at the State Farm Insurance Company in Deerfield, Illinois, registered National Boss Day. Four years later, Illinois Governor Otto Kerner realized the importance of this occasion. National Boss Day became official in 1962. Today, the concept of Boss Day has spread to other countries too. Observing Boss Appreciation Day Boss Day can be just another excuse for fawning employees to win favors from their manager who controls their promotions and salary incentives. Often, celebrations can reach comical proportions, where employees fall over each other, trying to outdo their gestures. But an astute boss rarely falls for such sycophantic advances. Instead of smiling down on the toadies, good bosses reward the best workers on their team. The retail industry has shown a burgeoning commercial interest in Boss Day. Retail giants have swooped in to cash in on the card and gift sales. Merchandise such as mugs proclaiming No. 1 Boss to cards announcing Happy Boss Day generate tremendous revenues, as buyers throng to woo their bosses. You dont need to burn a hole in your pocket to impress your boss. Drop a Thank You note on their desk, share a meal, or simply wish your boss with a Happy Boss Day card. Good and Bad Bosses Bill Gates famously said, If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss. He doesnt have tenure. Your boss is the first point of contact with the corporate world. If you have a great boss, you can smoothly sail through the rest of your work life. However, if you have a bad boss, well, you can hope to learn from lifes challenges. On Boss Day share this tongue-in-cheek quotation by motivational speaker Byron Pulsifer: If it wasnt for bad bosses, I wouldnt know what a good one was like. A bad boss makes you appreciate the worth of a good one. Dennis A. Peer highlighted one way to separate the good bosses from the bad when he said, One measure of leadership is the caliber of people who choose to follow you. The boss is just a reflection of his team. The stronger the boss, the more resilient the team. With these Boss Day quotes, you can understand the role of bosses in the workplace. Your Boss May Need the Motivation It is not easy being the boss. You may hate your boss decisions, but at times, your boss has to swallow the bitter pill and play the hard taskmaster. Even the best bosses need recognition. Bosses feel reassured when their employees respond to them positively. Dale Carnegie, the best-selling author of How to Win Friends and Influence People said, There is only one way... to get anybody to do anything. And that is by making the other person want to do it. This quote about bosses reveals your boss well-kept secret. A bad manager may simply dump a project in your inbox; a good manager persuades you that the project will be good for your career. Appreciate Your Boss Leadership Qualities Compliment your boss on her leadership skills. As Warren Bennis said, Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right thing. Emulate Your Success-Oriented Boss Is your boss good at his job or is he just plain lucky? You might think it is the latter, but if you see a pattern of successes, you will realize that your boss methodology actually works. Learn from his insights, and understand the way he thinks. You can gain valuable insight with his mentorship. A positive outlook, a never-say-die attitude, and a constant drive for greater accomplishment pave the road to success. Are You Stuck With a Boss From Hell? Short of getting transferred or switching jobs, there is precious little you can do about a good-for-nothing boss. You can only hope that his superiors will see the light and strip him of his managerial powers. If you have a disorganized or unreasonable manager, you will have to work around his flaws. So, tune out the negative thoughts and refresh your mind with positive thinking. A good sense of humor will bail you out of misery. On bad days when Murphys Law rules, entertain you with this hilarious Homer Simpson quote, Kill my boss? Do I dare live out the American dream? Look at the Bright Side Fortunately, most bosses have their plus points too. That disorganized superior may be a creative genius. That conniving manager could be a whiz with numbers. That lazy boss may never breathe down your neck. Assess your boss talent and efficiency by studying his work relationships. Good bosses earn respect from their colleagues and team members. Cary Grant said, Probably no greater honor can come to any man than the respect of his colleagues. This quote about respect provides great insight into workplace equations. How to Manage Your Boss Bosses are of different breeds and they come in all sizes and shapes. The best way to manage your boss is to let her know that you are by her side. Be the problem-solver, not the whining child. You will win her confidence by sorting out her problems along with your own. Make Boss Day a special occasion to strengthen the boss-employee relationship. Raise a glass in honor of your favorite boss. Remember the words of J. Paul Getty who said, The employer generally gets the employees he deserves.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
10 Ways to Promote Self-Directed Classroom
10 Ways to Promote Self-Directed Classroom Effective elementary teachers promote a self-directed classroom so that their students know if they cannot solve a problem or figure out an answer then they will have the tools to do it themselves. Here are 10 tips to help you promote a classroom where your students are self-reliant, as well as self-confident and feel that they can do anything on their own. Promote an â€Å"I Can†Attitude Teaching your students how to overcome disappointment is one of the best lessons that you can ever teach them in their life. When students face disappointment, teach them to analyze it and look at the big picture. Teach them to talk about how it feels so that they can move past it. Instilling an â€Å"I can†attitude will help them know and understand that they can do anything. Allow Student to Fail Failing is usually never an option in school. However, in today’s society, it just may be the answer to getting our children to be independent. When a student is practicing balancing on a beam or they are in a yoga position and they fall down, don’t they usually get back up and try one more time, or until they get it? When a child is playing a video game and their character dies, don’t they keep playing until they get to the end? Failure can be the pathway to something much bigger. As teachers, we can give students room to fail, and allow them to learn to pick themselves up and give it another try. Give your students a chance to make a mistake, allow them to struggle and let them know that it is okay to fail just as long as they get back up and try again. Study Leaders and Role Models Take time out of your busy curriculum to study leaders and role models who persevered. Study people like Bethany Hamilton who got her arm bitten off in a shark attack, but continued to compete in surfing competitions. Find a real-world example of perseverance that will help your students understand that people fail and go through hard times, but if they pick themselves up and try again, they can do anything. Get Students to Believe in Themselves Give students positive affirmations that they can do anything they put their mind to. Let’s say that one of your students is failing one of their subjects. Instead of telling them that there’s a chance that they will fail, build them up and tell them that you know that they can do it. If the student sees that you believe in their abilities, then they will soon believe in themselves too. Teach Students to Pull Themselves Out of a Negative Mindset If you want a classroom where your students are self-directed learners then you must get rid of the negative thoughts and beliefs that are in their head. Teach students to see that their negative thoughts are only holding them back from where they need to be or want to go. So then, the next time your students find themselves in a negative mindset, they will be able to pull themselves out of it all by themselves and be mindful of their actions and thoughts. Give Current and Frequent Feedback Try giving students feedback as soon as possible, this way your words will resonate with them, and they will be more willing to make changes if needed. By giving immediate feedback then your students will have the opportunity to implement your suggestions right away and make the changes they need in order to be a self-directed learner. Bolster Students Confidence Bolster your students’ confidence by discussing their strengths and their abilities with them. Find something about each and every student that you can celebrate, this will help boost their confidence. Confidence building is a known way to increase students’ self-assurance and make them feel more independent. Isn’t that what a self-directed learner is? Teach Students How to Manage their Goals In order to promote a self-directed classroom where students are self-reliant then you must teach them how to manage their own goals. You can begin by helping students set small, achievable goals that can be achieved fairly quickly. This will help them understand the process of setting and achieving a goal. Once students grasp this concept, then you can have them set more long term goals. Learn Something New Together To help cultivate a classroom where students learn independence then try learning something new together as a class. Students will learn by observing the way you learn. They will watch you learn through your techniques, which will help them get ideas on how they can do it on their own. Give Your Students a Voice Your classroom should set the stage for students to feel comfortable enough to have a voice. Make your classroom environment a place where students are free to speak their minds. This will not only make them feel more empowered, but also help them feel like they are part of a classroom community, which will help bolster their self-confidence, and in turn, help them become more independent learners.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The role of sociology during Wars Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The role of sociology during Wars - Term Paper Example Since a lot of assets are at stake during a war, it is crucial to resolve the crises and in order to do so understanding the root causes is very important. This paper aims at discussing how sociology can play a crucial role in predicting, understanding and thus, avoiding wars. Sociology is the study of societies, usually modern ones which comprises of people being the sole fundamentals or building blocks of the society, and thus understanding the psyche and societal roles of these people can help understand war more effectively, as proposed by the sociologists (Stanchak 2000). The first part of the thesis comprises of the role of sociology in understanding the concept of war which is the sole pre-requisite for predicting and thus, resolving the issues which have the potential of turning into a war like situation. In this context, Lachmann (2012) argues that war can be traced back in history and can thus be studied in terms of benefits and losses for individuals or groups within individuals. For instance, he states that citizens of a nation associate their collective interests with the state authority, and the state in turn seeks benefits from the state in terms of taxes and services etc. Thus, over the years, the state has developed strong control over the citizens in terms of controlling their socio-economic lives either directly or indirectly, and in this global world, the same benefit and loss patterns have resulted into conflicts between states over resources which are already in scarcity. Supporting this argument, another proposition posed by Shaw (2 007) can be stated which indicates that the reasons behind wars can be related to sociological patterns across society. This implies that war rather than being taken as an absolute entity should rather be studies as general conflicts between individuals or groups, and he focuses on the concept of genocide where a certain group attacks an un-armed group of people to pursue their personal interests. In other
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
My Family Is My Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
My Family Is My Life - Essay Example The examples that show these lessons on virtues include kindness, care for others, and development of my good attitude in life towards people and the society, and patience. The second reason for the family is the main foundation of my life is my parents. My parents were the ones who taught me how to eat, build relations with others, how to write and behave making the family as important as ever. My parents also developed me in terms of providing better care, housing, and companionship. The basis for the formation of life’s values. Many of the values I have were developed at the family unit. Family enabled the formation of basic life values including good mannerisms, morals that act the idea face in the society, development of character, and these all make family my life. I also learned the importance of respect, hard work, commitment to a given goal and the need to be assertive into to order succeed at the family unit. Without the strict guidelines and procedures set at th e family unit, I would not be in a position to achieve success yet maintain professionalism, humility and respect as I have today. The family has always acted in my best interest with encouragement whenever I fail, appreciation when I succeed, care when ill, and protection from enemies, making family the best friends in life. Secondly, the family has always been there for me through provision of finances and other resources through lower education up to know showing that they have always wanted the best for me. Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Practical book review Essay Example for Free
Practical book review Essay Petersen breaks down the book in five parts . He starts off with part one the value of of communication balancing: listing awhile , talk until the other person stops hearing , Listen until the person calms enough to hear again. He furthers this in a another chapter. He then moves on to the Flat-brain theory . He uses diagrams to explain the different levels of Stomach functions which is where the our emotions are located . This area is were we experience our inner nudges . He also explains how the heart functions , the heart functions as a filter it gives and receives concerns , suggestions, and support. The next function is the head. The functions of the head is thinking, planning , remembering. The next couple of chapters begin to talk about he goes into a deeper understanding of the the flat brain theory until he reaches the flat- brain syndrome where he talks about how our brains function better in a short football shape. However when our brains are squished it creates a serious defect in our head fiction.he continues to talk about this concept . Part two starts off with the talker listener process taking turns talking and listening. This can and will determine the role of talker or listener. The talker-listener card was introduced and we were provided a actual card to put to use in our personal time. The purpose of this card is to create an atmosphere and role of each persons involved. The card provides instructions on when to talk and when to listen this the opportunity of the talker to without being interrupted and the listener to be attentive to what the talker is talking about. Chapters 8 through 15 go deeper in depth of the talker- listener card and its many functions from the talker prescriptive and the listener prescriptive. Part Three Petersen highlights the six communication traps, 1. Ritual listening, 2.Perry Masons( which made me chuckle ) 3. Why? 4. Not?5. I understand, he goes in depth to help the reader understand the difference between the five communications traps. He also talks about when trying new things and some of the thoughts that come long with that . When trying new skills you always have negative reactions such as: To much repetition grates, new skills often sound fake, friends and family co-worker get rattled by change. He further part three by discussing basic listening technique . He uses technique such as : para-feeling ( putting the talker’s feelings into your words), decoding . He futhers the conversation of why we don’t listen better in part five Where you can use TLC( talker-listener card) in group settings . The TLC card can help aide through difficult discussion as well help moderate a two person conversation . In conclusion in part five he states â€Å" how if you go beyond skill to increase empathy, genuineness and warmth you’ll tap into reservoir of healthy humanness that’ll out wheels on your technique( Pg 210). RESPOND! I remember growing up and my mother would ask me â€Å" how are you? what are thinking about?†I would have such a difficult time in expressing my feelings. I felt like when no one really cared about me , and my thoughts. In chapter eleven Petersen talks about the first talker goal: sharing your feelings. I immediately become more in tune with what I was reading. I recently had an encounter with a very close friend and she made the statement: Kia you listen to everyone else’s problems but you never seem to open as easy as we do to you. That’s unfair to us as friends. I thought to myself I trust them as friends but sometimes its easier for me to keep my thoughts to my self . However from reading this chapter I understand that it hinders my communication not only with my friends but with others . It puts a stumbling block on me to be open and receptive. So I went back to that friend and we went to dinner and I used skittles as props; we sat down and for every skittle in my hand I had to share my feelings or thoughts on questions she had or asked. I can honestly say that just by having this little prop it open the door and I was able to release so much that I was holding back from her. I now see the difference of talking and listening she listened attentively and this allowed me to be honest and not feel judged by her or her actions. REFLECT! Honestly the thought that popped in my head as I was reading this book was our relationship with Christ. I have said this before but it seems to be more imperative . We often talk to Christ and we tell Him all the troubles of our lives and how we need this or we need that.However we often neglect the fact that Christ has to something to say to us. I started to reflect on the stories of Jonah , Moses. They did not want to recognize the many clues that was present to them throughout their walk so it took spectacular things to happen to them before they got the message. Isn’t like God to speak to us In the loudest moments of our lives. In those times of anger and frustration and we miss the mark because we are so loud internally. He took Jonah inside of the fishes belly in order to get the message to him . It took a burning bush to get Moses attention and it took me reading this book ; to recognize that internally Im so loud that I need to learn how to calm myself down and others to experience me. Could it be that God has to extreme measures sometimes for me to stop and recognize Him? I often am on the go and pray on the go but I have recognize that in the moments when I feel like giving up or fighting or screaming He speaks quietly and calms my mind , soul, and spirit. He speaks often I guess the question is how much are we really listening ?Silence keeps you bound , talking gets you free, listening brings understanding! ACT! Some of the techniques that I plan on using are the Talker- Listener card . I plan using this in my personal life ,when I have arguments and as well as in just simple conversations when trying to come to an agreement. I believe that this strategy will be helpful in my prayer time . The concept of talking and listening and really allowing God to minster to me as I minster to Him. Another technique I will use and will keep visuals of is the balancing scale of the emotions, heart, judgement or thoughts. Remembering the scale will help balance my conversations in the future especially when it comes to a misunderstanding. I really thank Petersen because I am a visual learner and the pictures put what he was saying in perceptive for me. Another technique that is really important to is remembering the pointing finger. In many conversations I often use my hands to communicate how Im feeling . After reading this section of the book I understand how my hands and fingers can seem more offensive then helping . I will remember this and will try to not use my hands as much in explaining my feelings. I plan incorporating the talker- listener card in my youth groups and after school programs. Teaching our youth to the stages of communication now . View as multi-pages
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Speech: Take Risks and Live Life to its Fullest -- essays research pap
Speech: Take Risks and Live Life to its Fullest Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today I am here to talk to you about a quote that Punch Imlach once said, he said that â€Å"a ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.†I think he is trying to say that one should not live their life in fear and that humans in general need to take more risks. Fear comes in many forms, there is fear of embarrassment, failure, and injury. These are the three main fears that keep people from achieving their dreams. I say go for it, if you want to do something don’t let fear get in your way. Follow your dreams, make them come true. If you spend your life living in fear, you won’t accomplish anything, because to achieve your highest goals you must take risks. For example there are some ... Speech: Take Risks and Live Life to its Fullest -- essays research pap Speech: Take Risks and Live Life to its Fullest Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today I am here to talk to you about a quote that Punch Imlach once said, he said that â€Å"a ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.†I think he is trying to say that one should not live their life in fear and that humans in general need to take more risks. Fear comes in many forms, there is fear of embarrassment, failure, and injury. These are the three main fears that keep people from achieving their dreams. I say go for it, if you want to do something don’t let fear get in your way. Follow your dreams, make them come true. If you spend your life living in fear, you won’t accomplish anything, because to achieve your highest goals you must take risks. For example there are some ...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Entrepreneurship Essay
Founder Of The Company The company was called KYK Automotive Inc. , and was started by Peter Yadav, the sole owner of the business. The business was started up as a partnership back in March of 1993, with the three partners being Peter Yadav, Ramesh Kapil, and Sam Kapil. They thought of the name KYK with the initials of all three last names. All three were previously working as car mechanics, with the two brothers, Ramesh and Sam working at one place, and Peter was working at a Petro Canada station, all in downtown Toronto. The three have known each other since they were all enrolled in the army together back in their homeland of India, and remained close friends ever since. Upon coming to Canada, they each found separate jobs as car mechanics, and helped out one another in finding better positions or better paying jobs. Once they were all settled down, they would always get together on the weekends and discuss about further opportunities that they could go into. Their initial thoughts were to open up a mechanic shop, with them three being the mechanics. It was through these small talks that the idea of opening up an Auto Parts retail store came about The Idea The three friends would always meet up on the weekends to relax and discuss about further opportunities for the future that would lead them to better profits and greater success. They thought hard about opening up a mechanic shop and having them three being the only mechanics their, which almost passed through. They had found a spot and were getting their capital together when one day, Peter suggested that he would be interested in something else. He wanted to go a step ahead and he had always noticed that the people who delivered the parts were always so busy, and had pretty much a work overload, where they were denying new clients because they just couldn’t handle all the workload. The mechanic shop would have been the easier route for the three, but they loved challenges and wanted to try something new as well, something a little less physically demanding, and something that would require them to use their brains a little more. When Peter suggested the idea, the other two were a bit hesitant because it was something they weren’t familiar with, and the idea of putting all their money into something that wasn’t 100% clear to them sounded a bit risky. Peter suggested though that they did know all the basics of the business since they were mechanics themselves, and that all they really needed to do was to learn about the software to look up different parts that mechanic shops needed, and that they would slowly start up and learn the rest of the business as they move along. He persuaded them on the fact that the business had a lot of demand and very few suppliers and since they already have three experienced people in the trade, they could start up the business right away. An advantage that these three had was the ability to troubleshoot as well for their customers, for instance, if the mechanic had trouble identifying what could be wrong with a customer’s car or what the part is called that he/she required, these three with their background and knowledge of the industry, could assist them in finding the exact part. The auto parts stores at that present time were unable to do this which was thought to be an excellent addition to their possible new venture, and would make their company stand out. With all these factors into play, they started to dig deeper into it and came up with an excellent choice and business decision when they decided the location. The Location During the time that they were all deciding on a location, and since they were all newlyweds and had family coming from their homelands, they needed to move out of the city and to a location in the suburbs, which was something they had decided before thinking of the new business. After months of searching for the best location that would bring in the most business, they found a location in the Mississauga/Brampton area, where there was a shortage of parts stores but an overload of mechanic shops. This would be their best opportunity to get in on the profits of the auto parts industry. The major breakthrough for them in particular was that in that time, there were many immigrants coming from their homeland of India, and a majority of them had settled down in the Mississauga/Brampton area, and a majority of them were mechanics and had opened up businesses in that area. This was a large part in the deciding factor of locations because what they had realized was that these mechanics were ordering from shops that barely understood what they were talking about, and half their parts would be delivered wrong with no fault of their own or the parts store, it just a communication problem. With Peter and the two brothers opening their shop near here, they could easily take all of this business away from other parts stores for the simple fact that they all speak the same language, are from the same place back home, and their would be no communication problems for either of them. This would save time for the mechanics because the amount of incorrect parts they receive would decrease and in turn, would increase profits for the new business. The location ended up being 1767 Drew Road, which is in an industrial area in Mississauga, and was close to many mechanic shops within a 5km radius. Day-To-Day Operations They had opened the store on March 1, 1993, with just the three of the partners working there. They had Peter as a counterperson, who would be answering calls and providing prices to customers, billing the customers and locating the parts. They had Ramesh delivering the parts to all the customers and marketing their business as he was on the road, kind of like a salesman. Then they had Sam helping out at the store, with all the walk in customers they had, along with order picking the parts for the different garages as Peter needed some help as well. The business started off with a boom right from the get go, and within a couple of months, they had realized that they would require more employees to be able to keep up with all the demand, and to keep their customers happy. They had learned that the number one factor in deciding auto parts suppliers to deal with for mechanic shops was speed and accuracy of parts, and that the price of the parts was after that. By knowing this, they had brought in two new delivery drivers so that they could get the parts out quicker to their customers, and that if they had new customers, they would be able to handle the additional workload. They now had all three of the partners handling the business at the store, and if need be, Ramesh would do some deliveries during the peak hours. Peter was doing most of the work inside the shop however, for example, he would be the one to answer most of the calls, he would be ordering most of the parts from various locations, and he would be stocking and picking parts as well. This didn’t sit too well with the other two partners and this is where the partnership would breakdown. The End of The Partnership As Peter started handling most of the business and the other two were being treated as employees rather than partners, they felt the urge to let their feelings be known since they all had an equal say in the company. After a few discussions, the two brothers decided that they did not want to be part of this business anymore, and wanted out. They did not leave on a sour note however, and waited until Peter could find employees to replace them, and after a couple of months, the other two partners had left the partnership and moved onto another venture. Peter now had sole ownership of the business from December, 1994. He had with him 2 delivery drivers, and one person assisting him inside the shop, answering calls and helping pick orders and stock shelves. Business was still going great for him, but he had to narrow his customers down to locations within a 5km radius because he didn’t want to expand anymore, and his main clients were within that area so his business wouldn’t suffer regardless. Business After The Partnership Peter continued to run the business successfully, and kept all of his customers happy. He made one significant change to the business which was to stop all sales to the general public. He realized that he was losing some trust in his mechanic shops because they were losing out on some profits. The way the business worked was for example, Peter would supply shop X with a part at a cost of $15. The shop would then charge the customer $30 for that part, and an additional rate for installation. Now when Peter would sell directly to the public for $15, the shops were losing out on the additional profit and when they realized Peter was selling it to them and taking away from their business, they felt betrayed and did not want to deal with Peter anymore. After a few complaints, Peter realized that the best business decision would be to keep the mechanic shops happy because they were his main repeat customers, not the occasional walk-in customers. This also gave him some more free time to handle other business operations so it worked out even better for him. After a couple of years, he decided he wanted to add something to the business. He realized that he had been receiving many calls about tires, especially throughout the winter months. He met up with a local tire shop that had bought few parts from him and struck a deal for some winter tires. He would certain things like this for seasonal parts and make up a small flyer to show his customers what he was adding to his inventory at different times and they would sell off very quickly. The End of The Business The business had been running extremely well up until 2006, where the profit levels were decreasing, not by a huge amount but a noticeable amount, due to all the competition now in the area. When the business started, there was only one other parts store in the 5km radius, and in 2006, there were 6, which easily explains why profit levels were decreasing. All the shops had their own suppliers, and there were price wars going on with all the auto parts stores. Peter stood firm on his stance that he would not participate in these price wars, and the price he had was the price you would get the part for. The business kept going with a decent profit up until 2008, and then he decided that it was not worth staying in business as the amount of stores opening up was still increasing, and the price for parts was decreasing. In November 2008, he decided to close the shop. New Opportunities Peter had thought about retiring and took some time off from work, but after only a couple of months off, he had started on getting back into the parts business. He found an existing business for sale back in downtown, Toronto. The building is attached to a car body shop, which is coincidentally owned by Sam Kapil, his former partner from KYK. He has been going in to the parts store, which is called Khapco, and seeing how the business is doing and if he would be interested in it, and so far he hasn’t decided on anything, but he tells me he’s not done working yet.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Engineer is Essay
Engineer is A person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures and a qualified person in a branch of engineering, especially as a professional engineer. Engineers figure out new ways to design, create, or improve almost everything around you. It might sound complicated, but you have most likely acted as an engineer before without even knowing it! If you like math and science, solving problems, thinking creatively or are curious about the world around you and how things work, you are already on your way to becoming an engineer and they are able to solve problems and focus on making things work more efficiently and effectively. Engineers apply the theories and principles of science and mathematics to research and develop economical solutions to technical problems. Their work is the link between perceived social needs and commercial applications. Engineers design products, machinery to build those products, plants in which those products are made, and the systems that ensure the quality of the products and the efficiency of the workforce and manufacturing process. Engineers design, plan, and supervise the construction of buildings, highways, and transit systems. They develop and implement improved ways to extract, process, and use raw materials, such as petroleum and natural gas. They develop new materials that both improve the performance of products and take advantage of advances in technology. They harness the power of the sun, the Earth, atoms, and electricity for use in supplying the Nation’s power needs, and create millions of products using power. They analyze the impact of the products they develop or the systems they design on the environment and on people using them. Engineering knowledge is applied to improving many things, including the quality of healthcare, the safety of food products, and the operation o f financial systems. The engineer adapts the findings to Human being usage. He is the central connection between science & culture In order to make a modern Engineer there are many main points to be approached in order to reach that, just like the dynamic & fast changing world demands a more complex role for an engineer. Also, technical skills must be good in non-technical skills like Communication Problem solving Management To be mastered in Engineering there are the Main Skills as: Logical thinking Problem-solving skills Communication skills Design skills Organizational, management and administrative skills References 1. William E. Wickenden, A Professional Guide for Young Engineers, G. R. Henninger (Ed. ), Engineers’ Council for Professional Development, New York, 1967 2. T. K. G. Namboodhiri, Engineering Education in India, J. Inst. Engg. (India), Vol. 66, IDP, 3, 1985 3. Duyen Q. Nguen, The essential Skills and Attributes of an Engineer, Global J. of Engg. Educ. Vol. 2, No. 1, 1998
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Italian Subject Pronouns
Italian Subject Pronouns HE went to the store, and SHE called to remind him to get wine, then THEY walked to their friend’s house together. What do the words in capital letters have in common? They’re all subject pronouns in English, and they exist to replace nouns that are the subject within clauses. In Italian, they serve that same function. Here’s what subject pronouns would look like in Italian. Subject Pronouns in Italian Singolare Singular io I tu you (familiar) lui (egli/esso) he lei (ella/essa) she Lei you (formal) Plurale Plural noi we voi you (familiar) loro (essi) they (m.) loro (esse) they (f.) Loro you (formal) In modern Italian, he, she, and they are usually expressed by lui, lei, and loro, respectively. TIP: You might have seen the words â€Å"egli, ella, essi, esse†, but note that these are used more in written Italian than in the spoken language. â€Å"Esso†and â€Å"essa†are seldom used. Remember that tu is used in addressing members of the family, peers, children, close friends, and animals. In all other cases, Lei and its plural Loro are used. Finally, note that the subject pronouns Lei and Loro always take, respectively, the third person singular and the third person plural of the verb. Does It Stay or Go? However, when you’re listening to Italian, you’ll often notice that native speakers will drop subject pronouns because typically the verb conjugations will tell who is completing the action, so using the subject pronouns sounds too repetitive. In the examples below, the subject pronoun in parentheses can be left out of the sentence. (Io) Vado al cinema. - I’m going to the movies.(Tu) hai fratelli maggiori? - Do you have older siblings?(Lei) vuole mangiare con noi? - Does she want to eat with us?(Lui) vuole giocare a calcio con noi? - Does he want to play soccer with us? When it comes to the third person singular, you may have to use the subject pronoun to specify whether it’s â€Å"her†or â€Å"him†. (Noi) andiamo in spiaggia oggi? - Are we going to the beach today?(Voi) Sentite le notizie? - Did you all hear the news?(Loro) Vanno in Germania. - They are going to Germany. If you remember to drop the subject pronoun, your Italian will already sound a bit more native. That being said, you can use the subject pronoun when you want to add emphasis to a sentence. For example: Offro IO la cena./La cena la offro IO. - I’M paying for dinner.Scegli TU il fim. - YOU choose the movie. Another area where you definitely want to use the subject pronoun is when it’s being modified by the word â€Å"anche†, which means â€Å"also†in Italian. For example: Anche io voglio andare al mare. - I also want to go to the sea.No, anche lei mi ha detto che non era la verit. - No, she also told me it wasn’t the truth.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Chemistry Abbreviations Starting with the Letter T
Chemistry Abbreviations Starting with the Letter T Chemistry abbreviations and acronyms are common in all fields of science. This collection offers common abbreviations and acronyms beginning with the letter T used in chemistry and chemical engineering. Abbreviations and Acronyms Starting With T T: Period of a waveT: Tera prefixT: Thyminet: timeT: TritiumTa: TantalumTaC: Tantalum CarbideTAC: Tri acetyl CelluloseTAG: TriAcylGlyceridetan: tangentTAN: Total Acid NumberTAS: Total Analysis SystemTAS: Total Alkali versus SilicaTAT: TriAcetone TriperoxideTb: TerbiumTBA: TertButylArsineTBA: 2,4,6-TriBromoAnisoleTBP: True Boiling PointTBC: 4-TertButylCatecholTBT: TriButylTinTBHQ: TertButylHydroQuinoneTc: TechnitiumTC: Temperature CompensatedTC: Temperature ControlledTC: Theoretical ChemistryTc: Critical TemperatureTCA: TauroCholic AcidTCA: TCA cycle (citric acid cycle)TCA: TriChloroAcetic AcidTCE: TriChloroEthaneTCF: ThiolCarbon FiberTCM: TetraChloromethaneTCP: Thermal Conversion ProcessTCP: TocopherolTCP: TriCalcium PhosphateTCP: TriChloroPhenolTCP: 1,2,3-TriChloropropaneTCS: Toxic Chemical SystemTCT: ToCoTrienolTCV: Temperature Control ValveTCVF: Two Chamber Vacuum FurnaceTD: Temperature DisplacementTD: Thermal DepositionTDA: Thermal Dilatometric AnalysisTDC: Three Degrees Centigra de TDG: ThymineDNA GlycosylaseTDI: Tolerable Daily IntakeTDI: Toluene DiIsonateTDO: Tryptophan 2,3-DiOxygenaseTDP: Thermal DePolymerizationTDP: Thymidine DiPhosphateTDP: Thiamine DiPhosphateTe: TelluriumTEA: Terminal Electron AcceptorTEC: Thermal Electric CoolerTEL: Tetra Ethyl LeadTFM: Total Fatty MatterTh: ThoriumTHC: Tetra Hydra CannabinolTHM: TriHaloMethanes TI - Thermal IndexTi: TitaniumTIC: Total Ion CurrentTIMS: Thermal Ionization Mass SpectroscopyTIP: TrisIsopropyl PhenylTl: ThalliumTLC: Thin Layer ChromatographyTLV: Toxic Level ValueTm: ThuliumTM: Transition MetalTMD: Theoretical Maximum DensityTMG: TriMethylGlycineTMMA: TetraMethylMalonAmideTMP: TriMethylPhosphateTMS: TriMethylSilaneTNB: TriNitroBenzeneTNT: TriNitroTolueneTNS: Test No EtherTOBSY: Total ThroughBond Correlation SpectroscopyTOC: Total Organic CarbonTOI: Table Of IsotopesTON: Table Of NuclidesTOX: ToxicTP: Triple PointTP: Transition PointTPE: Thermoplastic ElastomerTPM: Total Particulate MatterTR: Table RowTRAP: T artrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase TRFM: Time-Resolved Fluorescence MicroscopyTRP: TryptophanTS: Temperature SensitiveTSCB: TriSilaCycloButaneTSP: Thermally Stable PolycrystallineTSP: TriSodium PhosphateTSPM: Total Suspended Particulate MatterTSS: Total Soluble SolidsTST: Transitional State TheoryTT: Test TubeTTC: Triphenyl Tetrazolium ChlorideTTFD: Thiamine TetraHydroFurfurylDisulfideTTLC: Total Threshold Limit ConcentrationTTO: Total Toxic OrganicsTTP: Thymine TriPhosphateTTX: TetrodotoxinTU: Thermally UnboundTWMC: Time-Weighted Mean ConcentrationTWV: Total Water Vapor
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Distinguishing between an Offer and an Invitation to Treat Essay
Distinguishing between an Offer and an Invitation to Treat - Essay Example An invitation to treat comes in when something is displayed in a shop window or a catalogue mentioning prices of goods. Normally this is not an offer; hence it cannot coerce the shopkeeper to sell the items at the stated price. For this case a contract is made when a prospective buyer accepts the price stated in the items and it created when the item is placed over the counter but not when the customer remove the item on the supermarket shelves. There is an acceptance in both offer and invitation to treat. For example in an offer, there must be an offeror and an offeree while on the hand in invitation to treat there must be a place or a shop where goods have been displayed together with their prices and a customer makes an offer when he present them at the cash desk. For the case of an offer, it must be communicated for a contract to arise, therefore the two parties must be of the same mind otherwise it cannot be accepted by a person who has no knowledge that an offer has been made. In invitation to treat, it does not have to be communicated as items are displayed in a supermarket and a person enters and makes an offer when he places it on the counter and not necessary that he should have had knowledge that an offer had had been made. ... took them to the cash desk where they paid for them. It was held that the customer made the offer when he presented them at the cash desk, and not when he removed them from the shelves.3 Similarities between an Offer and an Invitation to Treat There is an acceptance in both offer and invitation to treat. For example in an offer, there must be an offeror and an offeree while on the hand in invitation to treat there must be a place or a shop where goods have been displayed together with their prices and a customer makes an offer when he present them at the cash desk. Both offer and acceptance remain open for duration of time and they can be accepted only before time expires. In both offer and invitation to treat, the offeror is free to attach any condition in the offer or invitation to treat before he communicated to the target group for acceptance. There is an intention to create a legal relation. One cannot bind the other party without his consent in both offer and invitation to treat. Both offer and invitation to a treat can be revoked anytime before an acceptance is made. Both offer and acceptance may be made by a word of mouth, in writing or by conduct. Differences between an Offer and Invitation to a Treat For the case of an offer, it must be communicated for a contract to arise, therefore the two parties must be of the same mind otherwise it cannot be accepted by a person who has no knowledge that an offer has been made. In invitation to treat, it does not have to be communicated as items are displayed in a supermarket and a person enters and makes an offer when he places it on the counter and not necessary that he should have had knowledge that an offer had had been made. The following
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