Wednesday, June 19, 2019

APA Topic Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

APA Topic Paper - Essay ExampleBachelors degree in nursing (BSN) can help an RN to a better pay. In the transition from practical nurse to RN there atomic number 18 few strategies and steps that must be followed to work successfully in the field of nursing (Harrington & Terry, 2012).There are many differences in the roles of LPN and RN, and three of them will be discussed below. The RNs has more authority and power than an LPN. Registered nurses have a larger role in the healthcare of patients. The duty of RN is deeply to analyze the issues pertaining to the health of the patient and to relate the condition of a patient with the health status of the patient. Licensed practical nurse does not have a wide scope, yet they are more jobs oriented and the working criteria of LPN are less than that of RN (Weydt, 2009).The main role of RN is to per have an initial assessment of the patient as it is an essential part of the duty. LPNs can perform assessments but not the initial assessmen t. As the criteria of work of an RN are much greater than an LPN, it has to perform more duties that include the formulating the diagnosis of a patient and to form a care plan for the patient. The primary role of LPN is to make sure that the formulated care plan made by RN is entrap into action. RNs have the authority to delegate the work to LPNs (Ebright, Patterson, Chalko, & Render, 2003).LPNs have no authority over RN, but they are only allowed to work on those tasks that lie inside their scope as defined by the license of that state. At some workplaces, RN directly supervises the work of an LPN, which is given to them and make sure that the LPN performs their task in the provided manner. LPNs have no authority to make changes in the healthcare plan of the patient but if there in a need to do so, the LPN must call and report the issue to RN and get their approval, to do the needful changes (Melrose, Miller, Gordon, & Janzen, 2012).There are various advantages of an RN as compare d to LPN in this field. Few strategies and

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