Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Report Proposal - Recommendations for Corporate Email Policy Essay

Report Proposal - Recommendations for Corporate Email Policy - Essay Example The vast potential of internet and email services, therefore, necessitates the organizations to re-evaluate their business strategy and incorporate business plans so that the organizations can successfully exploit its potential for business purposes. But it is equally true that the internet, with its huge scope for expansion has also wide ranging implications, which may have damaging effects for the overall development of the organization if it is not used with caution and with an approach that calls for greater control and discipline. The impact of computer has been extensive in almost every area of one’s life including professional and personal. The direct and indirect use of computer technology in every sphere has made it extremely popular which has, in turn, made it highly susceptible for misuse by one and all, in the absence of any tangible means of control. According to a report in CNN ‘the survey of 294 U.S. companies with at least 1,000 employees found that, in many cases, employees who sent e-mails containing confidential information about the organization or e-mails that were considered obscene and offensive were disciplined or terminated’ (CNN, 2006). We would, therefore, be focusing on the urgent need for addressing the proper and efficient use of internet and email services in the organization that would help to develop internet and email policy to effectively monitor its use. Internet has become a very cost effective and time efficient tool with its wide ranging ramifications. But at the same time, it can also be easily misused by unscrupulous people for their own vested interests that may be extremely disastrous for the organization, general public and the states at large. As is evident by the latest trend, the use of information technology and internet by the various terrorist outfits has resulted in some of the worst human tragedies in

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