Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Academy Awards For Best Foreign Film Language Movie- can you take Essay

The Academy Awards For Best Foreign Film Language Movie- can you take it seriously - Essay Example Is it befitting to say that these awards ‘celebrate’ the harsh realities of common person while the common person turns a blind eye to them? In the following parts we shall discuss all this and about the past winners. Best Foreign Language nominees get a lot of attention from people around the world. They are a part of ‘meaningful cinema’ that forces people to think about the matter and to do something for the cause. This is said not without proof, Day of Glory, a nominee in 2006, made an impact on the public policy when the law for elevating the benefits to Algerian veterans was passed. It is apt to say that these movies have a niche audience because there are few people who admire the movie for its effort and for its success in bringing forth a matter that matters. Not many people are willing to give their one hour to a cinema that raises an issue and says it in an unflattering manner; people would rather watch something that entertains. This nature is common to people around the world; however, when a film is nominated for Oscars they will watch a nominee from their homeland if not all the nominees. This is a much better condition. Let us now come to the nominees from various countries and their journey to the final nomination. As already said there are many controversies surrounding a nomination. This journey of controversies starts as soon as a film has to be selected for nominee from a country. There are so many political and personal forces working at this level itself that it is hard to say whether the nominee is actually the best nominee from their respective country. Last year the nominee from India was surrounded in controversies, since a member of the jury was a close friend of the director of the movie. The matter was so serious that High Court had to interrupt and though the nominee was not backed out but a rule was passed that banned any related person to

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