Monday, December 9, 2019

Corporate Sustainability Performance Measurement Systems

Question: Discuss about the Corporate Sustainability Performance Measurement Systems. Answer: Introduction Governance can be considered as a substitute for the action of monitoring, regulation among others. In view of this perspective, governance and monitoring is placed in equal alignment. Addition of the parameter of corporate in this governance bears correlation with the professional attitude of the managerial staffs. Herein, lays the justification of the placement of the two aspects in the same alignment (Bain Band, 2016). Countering this, exposure of corporate attitude in the application of effective management techniques enhances the personality of the managers. As a matter of specification, speculation of the success and failure of corporate governance, through the reference of IBIS World and Ebsco Host, broadens the scope and arena of the report. IBIS World is an Australia based company set up in 1971. Its headquartered at Melbourne. The founder chairman Phil Ruthven and the current President/CEO Justin Ruthven has taken this organization to a new sphere. The main focus of operating of IBIS world is the different parts of business industries, market researches and business marketing. Apart from these, this organization specially emphasizes on various aspects of business industry like providing additional information on planning of business strategies at large and on research purposes. The business success of IBIS world has been immense for the last two decades or so. They have opened their branches in some of the United States cities after they began to produce reports on US industries. Their global revenue in the year 2013 amounted to $35 million. They have recently started a joint venture with Chinese Research Company so that can produce reports on the main industries on the main companies of China. They are thus making an attempt on rooting their business plans in Asia as well ("Market Research Reports Analysis | IBISWorld AU", 2017). The primary details we find about this company is that it is an information services company based in United States. The headquarters of this company is in Ipswich, Massachusetts. The company was founded in 1984. The current CEO of the company is Tim Collins. The subsidiaries of this company are Salem Press, e-psyche, Bizsum and others. The annual sales of this company rose up to $ 2 billion in 2013. The main operating area of this company is about preparing research databases. These databases have adapted their licenses from various content vendors across the country. Ebsco Host provides students with e-books and audio books. Ebsco is considered as one of the largest privately held companies of the United States. Corporate Governance Structure The ideas and implications of corporate governance have come into effect in the 21st century in a big way. The need of a good corporate governance is needed everywhere to retain the global market and a progressive advancement in the business. There are several code of principles related to the corporate governance of a company. These codes include the directors appraisal on the work performance of an employee, good training and development, and at last the board-level performance reviews (Tricker Tricker, 2015). These are the most necessary steps that should be taken in order to improve the value of the company in the share markets. Every organization needs a governing body, both public and private, government, academic institutions such as schools, colleges, universities and charity organizations as well (Shaoul, Stafford Stapleton 2012). This is actually a way of maintaining a good relationship with its members, employees, stakeholders and other concerned people. The entire corpo rate governance structure consists of few departments beginning from the hierarchy. Mainly the CEO under whom there is the board of directors heads the hierarchy. The audit committee of the organization is very crucial to put up the relevant data to measure the work efficiency of the employees. The finance committee looks after the money related matters. This is how the corporate governance structure works in harmony. Regulation holds prime importance for the achievement of efficiency in the business activities. Herein, lays the consideration of the standards and codes of regulatory framework, which acts as a protection for companies and organizations. This act of protection mitigates the instances of harassments and discriminations, which destroy the essence of the organizational culture. These aspects bear correlation with the revelations of the book highlighting the core principles, practices and policies of corporate governance (Tricker Tricker, 2015). Application of effective monitoring techniques relates with the parameter of success. As a matter of specification, personal visits by the managers to the workplace are assistance towards tracking the progress of the organizations in terms of the identified requirements. These personal visits bring to the forefront the instances of harassments and discrimination. These attempts can be related to the principles of the book entitled, Corporate governance: Principles, Practices and Policies (Tricker Tricker, 2015). Delving deep into the contents of the book, the aspect seems to be in perfect alignment. Countering the earlier sentence, policies attain the first position. Setting up of policies and adhering to its codes and standards add to the true essence of management, rather, governance (Tricker Tricker, 2015). From other perspectives, maintenance of consistency in this adherence aligns with the corporate and classy attitude of the personnel. This perspective establishes direct linkages with the requirements of the report. The practice of a good governance results in the promotion of a good business. Seeking out ways and means to bring innovation maintains the parameter of good within the business activities of the companies and organizations. Countering this, the need for innovation, springs from encountering failure in terms of regulating the business activities. This counter argument bears resemblance with the arguments of the book, entitled, Tolerance for failure and corporate innovation (Tian Wang, 2014). The action of tolerance reflects the approach of the personnel towards rectification of the identified drawbacks. This tolerance makes the fact, Failures are the stepping stones of success tautologically true. Application of effective monitoring techniques fades away the hardness of the stones and adds color to the steps, which paves the way of professionalism for the companies and organizations. Reviewing both these articles, failure can be accounted as one of the organizational outcomes. Exposure of spontaneity in rectification of these drawbacks adds to the status of the personnel. Viewing it from another perspective, tolerance broadens the perspective of the personnel towards bringing innovation in the products and services as well as their individuality. In this respect, innovation can be considered as one of the essential components of corporate attitude (Tricker Tricker, 2015). This motive is a gradual progression towards the attainment of professionalism. Governance is itself a vast and diversified concept, which is applicable for both the employees and the managers. From other perspectives, governance can be considered as an agent in the attainment of self-organisational skills. The earlier consideration projects a correlation with the traditionalism of the workplace, where the managers and the employees takes the help of evaluation for reviewing their exposed performance. Herein, a contradiction can be established with the word new in the book, New corporate governance: Successful board management tools (Hilb, 2012). Assistance of the board of directors in the execution of the evaluative study aids the organisations in analyzing their exposed performance in terms of the competitive market. Taking the literature review further, the exposure of tolerance towards the achievement of failure proves helpful in bringing innovation in the governance. This innovation aligns with the traditionalism of the organizational workplace, which brings the reviewed sources in the same alignment. According to Claessens, Yurtoglu,(2013), the maintenance of this traditionalism is assistance for the organizations in terms of emerging successful in bringing noticeable changes within the regulatory activities. These aspects find resemblance with the revelations of the book, Winning ways through corporate governance (Bain Band, 2016). Application of effective monitoring techniques supports IBIS World and Ebsco Host achieve success in the business activities. Seeking out ways and means for the nourishment of professionalism directly correlates with the word ways in the book. Viewing it from another perspective, taking assistance from the board of directors helps IBIS World and Ebsco Host in refining the governance system. Achievement of success in this refinement directly assists in the attainment of corporate and classy attitude. Judicious exposure of these kinds of attitudes upgrades the status of the personnel as well as organization as a whole. Within this, adherence to an integrated framework enhances the regulatory control for the organizations (Too Weaver, 2014). Compliance to the standards and codes of the framework proves beneficial for IBIS World and Ebsco Host in achieving successful completion of the essential business projects. Application of effective and efficient control measures mitigates the instances of wrong means for completing the projects. This application reflects the true meaning of governance, which qualifies IBIS World and Ebsco Host for reaching up to the benchmark level. Performance management systems are crucial for judging the effectiveness of the exposed performance. Effective utilization of these systems helps the managers to attain sustainable development. However, for the employees these systems play an important role in proceeding towards the attainment of personal development. Typical example can be KPIs, which makes the managers aware about the key factors, which symbolize the exposed performance (Searcy, 2012). Through these systems, the organizations emerge successful in adding an innovative touch within the administrative activities. The action of review and research in the name of the book bears correlation with the ways adopted by IBIS World and Ebsco Host to expose professional attitude in governing the business activities. Crisis necessitates the need for corporate governance in case of IBIS World and Ebsco Host. Lack of proper monitoring techniques lead to chaos, which destroys the sanctity of the workplace environment. Viewing it from another perspective, corporate governance beautifies the personality of the managers and employees. Similarity can be established with the book, Corporate governance matters: A closer look at organizational choices and their consequences. The word matters projects the significance of corporate governance in response to the adoption of ineffective means for achieving the identified targets (Larcker Tayan, 2015). Governance includes diversified aspects, which maintains the balance between the functional units of the organizations, IBIS World and Ebsco Host. Regulation and political factors and negligence towards the financial factors act as a deviation from the true meaning of governance. This example bears correlation with the executive warning to conduct a review of the high exchange rates, which hampers the provision of quality goods to the customers (, 2017). The following paragraphs assume a theoretical perspective, which provides an insight into the dynamics of governance. Consideration of these perspectives, by the selected organizations, helps in the projection of corporate attitude, which leads to professional and personal development (Brammer, Jackson Matten, 2012) The first organization that is the focus of discussion for corporate governance is the IBIS world of Australia. The industry reports of this company is truly impressive. They operate on numerous fields of society. Their variety of working areas include Administration and Support services, Education and Training, Construction works, Health Care and Social Assistance, Manufacturing, Arts and Recreational, Mining, Financial and Insurance Services, Information Media and Telecommunications and many others. The company has done fairly well in all of these departments. In the education and training sector, the company has a current growth of 3.5% and expected forecast growth is 3%. The growth rate in Telecommunications has been not so well but its forecast growth in the next five years is 1.5%. The success rate of IBIS world has been pivotal because it has achieved about 3.3% growth rate in the last five years and the forecast growth of the company in the next five years. The second organization that we have to discuss is the Ebsco Host in USA. Their main motive is to generate the creativity and supply the best probable resource based solutions. Quality is the thing that they give utmost importance to (EBSCO et al., 2017). They have applied the Corporate Social Responsibility (Carroll,2015). They have made a number of policy modifications and introduced key infrastructure to improve the brand value and secure responsibility of employees (EBSCO et al., 2017). The impact of an effective corporate governance structure has ensured the growth of this company and earning it a quite good reputation. Theories of Corporate Governance There are some relevant theories concerned with corporate governance. Here in this discussion, a brief outline of a few theories is going to be discussed. The relevant theories are as follows (Yusoff Alhaji, 2012). This theory states that corporate governance focuses upon the separation of ownership. This results in the rising of the principal-agent relationship problem. In this case, the board of directors works as a mechanism who bridges the problem and take actions to reduce them. The agency theory throws light on the fact that there are two groups of participators are mostly active in corporations. First are the managers and shareholders and the managers whose interests are full of clarity and consistency. The second group is the common people who are always ready to sacrifice their own interests for the interests of other people (Chen, Lu Sougiannis 2012). The second theory, Stakeholder theory focuses on the various aspects of stakeholders of an organization or a corporate industry. It says that a company or a corporate organization always want to maintain a balance between the different interests stakeholders and also wants to ensure that each of the interests can attain a degree of satisfaction. This theory is regarded as a narrow one. The reason for this is the Stakeholder theory shows the stakeholders or the shareholders as the only corporate element. In this way, the Agency Theory can be regarded as a more vast theory than Stakeholder Theory as it covers most of the aspects related to corporate governance (Mason Simmons, 2014). Resource Dependence Theory The basic statement of this Resource Dependent Theory focuses on the need to link the external factors with the firm. It is the responsibility of the board of directors to make a link between the firm and the resources that are needed to survive. The basic fact is the organizations need resources and this need leads to the mutual exchange of relationships or network governance (Klijn Koppenjan, 2012). The various sorts of this dependence are measured by many factors. These factors include the the importance or relevance of the resource, the relative shortage of the resource and the the limit to which the resource can be absorbed by the board of directors (Drees Heugens, 2013). Conclusion The diverse aspects of corporate governance have been discussed in the above review. The basic theories, its practical implementations, its drawbacks and the successful phenomenons all have been described and analysed with references to the relevant concepts. The conclusion can come to the point that corporate governance is a very well debated issue in the field of professionalism. The idea is very pertinent in managing industries and corporate entities. It is, therefore, should be treated with a professional approach throughout by implementing the positive aspects. References Bain, N., Band, D. (2016).Winning ways through corporate governance. Springer. Brammer, S., Jackson, G., Matten, D. (2012). 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