Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Project Implementation Management Plan - 1155 Words

H. Management Plan Project implementation will use a variety of teams and tools to manage and coordinate the activities through shared tasks and accountabilities. Cross-institution teams will have specific tasks, responsibilities and performance measures (see below); cross-team membership, combined with the Leadership Team (see below), will ensure coordination among component areas. Our primary coordination principle is continuous focus on clarity: of project goals and milestones, of communication mechanisms and expectations, and of personal and group responsibilities. In practice, appropriate cyber tools will link people and activities, such as listservs, a wiki and a dedicated website, designed to address the needs of the project’s†¦show more content†¦During the service year, these individuals will subtrain or oversee the training of one additional OFFN network operator (at any site) for an FTE equivalency of an average network operator. In the budget portion, these individuals are n ot identified; the personnel plan discusses how additional personnel will be identified. At the end of their years of service, the trained personnel will develop and deploy a series of seminars disseminating information and lessons learned to various site and OFFN membership organizational events, including the annual Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium. In addition, the service will also include coordination with ORNL, the ADIOS project as well as ICSI and the NCSA Bro Project, as users in their community forums, in an effort to contribute informational resources for development of the middleware. Finally, to complete the training cycle, resources will be allocated so that trained staff can move into developing ADIOS and Bro applications as a customized response to needs as well as to contribute to the resource development of those online communities. H.1. Roles: PI H. Neeman and Co-PI V. McGowan will have overall leadership of the project with acquisition, communication, reporting, and proponents of

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